Chapter 13

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The rest of my shift is spent ignoring Seven and ignoring the hurtful ache in my chest. I allow myself a couple glances towards him here and there, regretting it immediately when I witness Destiny on his lap. Seven's hands are stretched out along the back of the seats so he doesn't touch her as she grinds down on his lap topless.

It's upsetting to watch so I don't let my eyes rest on them long. But every time I sneak a peek his eyes are always on me. I don't know how I feel about that. About how he still watches me while letting another woman move against him.

When my shift ends I leave the club in a drastically different mood than I had entered it. I think I hear Seven call out to me in the hallway out back, but I continue to stalk down the concrete corridor pretending I didn't hear him as I walk out to the car park. If he had called out to me, he doesn't follow or make another attempt for my attention.

Admitting to myself that I have begun to like Seven has made this situation very confusing for me. I'm not usually one to get jealous, I've never cared much if things ever worked out with a guy or not. So I don't understand why I'm feeling jealous towards Destiny, why I'm feeling this way over a guy I've barely touched let alone kissed. Not to mention that I don't even really know Seven.

I know he's dangerous, and not good for me and that this interest I have in him is probably derived by those same notions. The fact that I know I shouldn't want him makes me want him even more. He's mysterious, rude, absolutely maddening and enticingly handsome. He brings out an addicting electric feeling in me when I'm around him. And as much as I hate it right now, I've been feeding that addicting feeling with those small moments I'm alone with him.

But not anymore. I can't keep amusing myself with this situation. It's going to end up messy and I really need this job. I need to keep my distance from Seven.

When I do my shift at the liquor store on Thursday a shelf collapses and I'm left cleaning up hundreds of broken bottles for three and a half hours. I had wished I took this as the bad omen that was warning me about what was yet to happen later on once I'd begun my shift at the club. But I didn't. If I had know what was in store for me, I would've taken the night off.

Just like last night I made an effort with my appearance, doing my hair and make up but kept my clothing a little more casual. Opting for a t-shirt dress and my comfy strapped heels.

The club is busier than last night. When I walk in there's at least twenty people around the stage alone, many others are scattered through the venue in tables and when I meet Kitty at the bar she looks stressed.

"Lips thank god you're here. I was getting ready to bash a couple of these blokes over with my tray in a minute." She huffs and hands me the list of drinks she's collected so far.

"At least they're thirsty tonight." I comment, given last night was pretty dry and quiet for us both.

I don't know what's worse, being run off my feet with orders or contemplating about arranging the back wall of spirits into alphabetical order because I'm that bored. I think I prefer to be busy though, that way it's easier to ignore Seven.

I grab out some chilled cups and begin making drinks while Kitty tells me about a particularly handsy gentleman who's hands she's been dodging since he came in.

"Jesus Christ girl, could you juggle anymore bottles?" Kitty exclaims as she watches me pour four drinks with two bottles in each hand. It's a lot easier when the bottles have steady pourers on the lids. But I've definitely been stepping my bar tending game up as the days go by. I've even been watching a couple videos on tips and tricks that I've been practicing at home.

I laugh at Kitty's comment and slide over the made drinks onto her awaiting tray.

"There ya go!" I tell her.

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