Chapter 31

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James sat down at his familar spot along the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. He looked around and saw that most of the students were showing bruises or bandages from the train ride, although he knew Madam Pomfrey had already admitted a few students to the hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfrey let you out?" James asked as Sirius sat down across from him.

"Yes and no." Sirius replied with a wink.

"No, he snuck out." Lily said as she sat down next to James, the rest of their friend group also sitting.

"It's not that bad." Sirius said, waving Lily off. "And if it gets worse I can go to her or you."

"I am not taking care of you." Lily said sternly. Before anyone could say anything more there was the sound of a glass being tapped at the front of the hall. They turned to see Dumbledoor getting to his feet, seeming no different from his normal self.

"Good evening everyone," he started. "It's great to see you all back here together, I hope everyone had a great holiday. Obviously, we all know what happened as you made your way back here aboard the Hogwarts Express. Dark creatures under the command of Lord Voldemort attacked, and I would like to take a moment to name a few individuals for the heroism."

"Firstly, our head boy and girl, James Potter and Lily Evans. All of our prefects, Remus Lupin, Rochelle Monk, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Francine Maywood, Robert Chang, Beatrice Hardleyberry, Lucius Malfoy, and Narcissa Black."

"We also had a few older students who rose to the occasion. Frank Longbottom, Alice Prewit, Marlene McKinnon, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Dorcas Meadows, and Mary MacDonald."

"To all, I award 50 points, and to James Potter I award an extra 50 points for his quick thinking in setting up a defense of the train." The hall erupted in applause, the Slytherin table the quietest to nobody's surprise.

"As this attack shows, dark forces are starting to reveal themselves, and in these times I urge everyone to do whats right, not what is easy. That is, however, enough ominous messages for today, you are all here, and the staff, heads, and prefects will protect, so let's eat." The hall was quieter than normal as the food appeared, everyone still comprehending the attack on the train and Dumbledoor's speech.

The Marauders ate as they discussed prank plans to doing during their final months as the girls were bombarded with questions from Dorcas on the school year so far. As they were about to finish desert a small piece of parchment floated down infront of James.

"What's that?" Lily asked.

"A note from Dumbledoor." James said as he read to himself.

"What does he want?" Remus asked as Peter and Sirius were still busy trying to eat everything in sight.

"He wants to see all of us in his office after dinner." James said. "Including Frank and Dorcas."

"Marauders, Maraudetts, and friends?" Sirius asked, having finally stopped eating.

"Basically." Lily said after James had handed her the note.

About a half hour later, they all found themselves in front of Dumbledoor in his office.

"So, I suspect you all are wondering why you all are here right now." Dumbledoor began. "Well, like I said in the Great Hall, you all did a great job in fighting off the attack upon the train, and I heard you four got into a little fight yourselves during break as well." Dumbledoor pointing to James, Lily, Sirius, and Marlene.

"Yes." James said.

"I don't need to tell you about the danger and darkness which is decending upon our world. You have all proven so far that you can handle themselves in the fights you have been in so far, plus the little duels you've gotten yourself into here in school. You do not all have to give me your answer now, but if you are willing and interested, myself and a few others will teach you advanced magic."

"I'm in." James, Lily, Marlene, and Sirius said immediately.

"We're in." Frank said after glancing at Alice, who nodded.

"Us to." Mary said after a quick whispered word with Dorcas.

"Remus? Peter?" James asked as they had remained silent.

"I'm in." Remus said, straightening himself up in the chair he was in.

"I'm in." Peter squeaked, still sounding slightly hesitant.

"Perfect." Dumbledoor said, clapping his hands together. "I ask that you keep this a secret at the moment, and if you wish to quit you can at any time. We will meet for the first time next week, I will let you all know where and when."

"If I may ask," Lily started. "What should we say if people start asking, and if anyone else wants to join?"

"For yourself, James, and Remus you can just say you're meeting for prefect or head duties." Dumbledoor began. "The rest of you can say that you are seeking out my guidance for personal matters. As for your other question, I would suggest you recommended them to me before we tell them anything. I am no fool, nor do I think any of you are. We all know that Voldemort has followers here, both to recruit and spy. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can truely do about it."

"How is that?" Lily asked, amazed at what she felt like was Dumbledoor's inaction.

"Because I cannot kick people out for their beliefs. It would make us not very much different from the forces we are preparing ourselves for, and it would only serve to push more people to his cause." Dumbledoor said, watching how all his students took in what he said. "And those that are named as those who were removed would be used as rallying points for his supporters, so I cannot do that. In times like now, and in the near future, one must do what is right, not what is easy. Now, it is getting late and I know you all are tired of hearing an old man speak, so you may leave and I bid you all goodnight."

James led everyone outside of Dumbledoor's office, turning to them briefly.

"We'll, that was fun." He started. "Wonder what we'll do. We can meet for lunch at the head dorm tomorrow to talk this all over, see everyone tomorrow morning." James and Lily said goodbye to their friends, then made their way to thir head dorm.

"You think more things will happen now?" Lily asked James after they got settled into bed together.

"No question." James said as he played with her hair. "This is just the beginning for us." The held each other as they drifted off to sleep, their minds busy going over the days events, and what could be in for.

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