Detention. (The End?)

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(( A/N: Random pic by ikimaru. She's on tumblr- go check her out if you haven't already! :3 Enjoy! ))

Dave's Perspective (After school)

After the last bell rang, you scurried to homeroom with your stack of "detention passes", or hell tickets, in your sweatshirt pocket. Many of the kids gave you strange looks but quickly turned their attention back to their own conversations as you walked in. You just shrugged it off because you were kinda used to it by now. You plopped in your seat and waited patiently, your head resting on your propped up arm. You expected to see ____ walk in the room at one point but when she didn't, you started to get a bit worried. Halfway through the bus dismissals with only a few kids and trolls left lounging on desks, you arose from your seat casually and approached the teacher. She looked up from her computer with a perked eyebrow.

Teacher (T)- What can I do for you, Mr. Strider?
Dave- i'm looking for ____. she wasn't in homeroom earlier today. did she leave early?
T- No. She was requested to the principal's office because of her detentions. She is probably in her detention room now.
Dave- oh. should i go there too, then?
T- Wrong once again, Dave. Your detention room is right here.
Dave- but i thought that only one classroom was a detention room!
T- The principal feels as though you are a bad influence on the new student, therefore he requested that I keep you away from her during detention. With an extra pay, of course. Now I suggest you take your seat, Mr. Strider. I do not appreciate that tone.

You scowled and reluctantly went back to your seat without another word to her. You mentally developed a plan until the end of bus dismissals, acting casual with your usual pokerface. Once all the students had disappeared, the teacher stopped tapping on her keyboard and sighed. She looked up at you curiously as you played around with your pencil on the desk. She coughed for your attention, making you slowly return her gaze. She placed her hand out and beckoned for a detention slip, which you placed in her palm gladly.
Things got boring pretty quick. After 5 minutes of playing with your pencils and throwing paper airplanes undetected, the teacher let out a bored sigh. She eyed the doorway and looked at you with a sly smirk.

T- Mr. Strider.
Dave- ..Hm?
T- ...I want to propose a deal.
Dave- okay?
T- If I let you go to the other detention room, will you not tell the principal that I left?
Dave- my lips are sealed, teach.
T- Brilliant. You can go now, Dave. Have a nice day.

Looks like your plan wont be necessary. You immediately arose from your seat and followed the teacher quietly out the door. She waved good-bye and you pretended you didn't see her, subtly rolling your eyes beneath your shades. You both went separate ways after that and once the teacher was out of sight, you sprinted the hell outta there. You lengthened your strides (like a true Strider) and quickly made it to the main detention room. You peeked in the small window and scanned the scenery. The room was practically empty with little kid drawings and different flags hanging all over the place. There was a small whiteboard in the front of the room that read "DETENTION" in all capital letters. The only people in view were ____ and Equius Zahakk, another troll who probably got in trouble for breaking something. The teacher was surprisingly absent, making it easy for you to-- oh no.
The door was locked. Your ears steamed and you face-palmed. You knew it wasn't gonna be that easy. The small click-clack of high heels interrupted your thoughts, making you panic and flee into the unlocked boys bathrooms. You listened on the door until the small sounds disappeared down the opposite side of the hallway before peeking your head out to watch her figure disappear. Hell yeah, spy mission! You took a quick glance at the detention room door before heading down the hallway. Hiding around corners and ducking behind open doors, you made your way to the janitor's closet to find the keys. The janitor was putting mops and cleaning tools into the cleaning cart. The keys hung off of the back of his jeans, clanking against each-other. You reached for them and pulled them off, quickly hiding behind the open door. The janitor looked back and shrugged, walking down the opposite hallway. You grinned and watched him leave before heading back to the locked detention room. You flipped through the ring of keys knowing you probably should have thought this through. When trying the 6th key, the door opened and a familiar pair of (e/c) irises met yours, making your heart jump.

Dave- Jegus Christ, ____ you scared the hell outta me.
____- Dave? What are you doing here?
Dave- I came to see you. They can't keep the great Dave Strider away from his beautiful girlfriend for long.
____- D'aww, you...
____- Seriously, though, you should go back before someone sees you and you get in trouble.
Dave- I'm not going anywhere.

You walked inside past her, nodding your head towards Equius who just waved in responce. ____ followed you inside and grabbed your shoulder.

____- Dave the teacher will be here soon. Go back I really don't want you to get in trouble any more than you already are. I'd miss you too much.
Dave- aww, you...
Dave- but no, I refuse.
____- God damnit, Strider...

She blushed and face-palmed, making you chuckle and pull her close to you.

Dave- dont pretend that you don't want me here, ____.
____- I...

You silenced her by pushing your lips against hers sweetly. You felt her smile and saw Equius gag out of the corner of your eye. You separated and chuckled at her flushed cheeks.

Dave- ____, I don't ever want to leave you.
____- I don't want to leave you either, Dave...
Teacher- Aw that's too bad. Both of you to the principal's office now.
Dave- Jegus why do people like to give me heart attacks?

The teacher pointed you out the door angrily and you both walked out willingly, hands interlocked and and smiles bright.

((A/N: and they lived happily ever after! The end..?
I guess that's it for this Dave x Reader, guys! Thank you so so much for reading my story- it means a lot to me
:3 If I get enough requests, I'll see where I can go with a sequal. >u< Feel free to comment (my only rule is be nice). I'd LOVE suggestions on where I should go if I DO decide to make a sequel to this story. If you wanna join the "Litter Box" and keep up with whatever crazy stuff i do, hit that follow button on my profile! I hope you enjoyed this story, I'd love to hear from you, and I'll see you next time, kittens!! :3 <3 ~Emma ))

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