The Walk

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____'s Perspective

You were rushed to the guidance office by Dave while Karkat ran to your next class to tell the teacher where you were. You felt a sharp pain in your arm but you didn't mention it because you didn't want your friends to worry. After a rather quick session with the smiling guidance councilor, she wrote "Jack Noir" down on a small notepad and told you to get back to class. You just nodded confidently, trying to seem less helpless than you felt. You looked at the drawings plastered on the walls of the office before walking out of class with your things. You kept your guard up as you proceeded down the hallway. You could feel your heartbeat pulsing through your while body as you walked casually into English class and handing the teacher the note. Karkat looked at you with worry but you whispered that you were fine and took your seat. The teacher soon passed out a worksheet on some literature-skill review. You picked up your pencil and attempted to write your name. When your muscles tensed up, it sent a painful shock to your nervous system causing you to drop it. You smiled nervously and picked it up again, pretending nothing was wrong as you answered the worksheet.

{*~Le Time Skip to After School~*}

After school, you walked home with Dave by your side, on his skateboard as usual. You looked down quietly and didn't say anything until he spoke up.

Dave- so you okay, dude?
____- ...Yeah, I'm fine.
Dave- is something wrong? you seem quiet today.
____- No, everything's fine...

He looked at you through his shades but you avoided his gaze and just looked at the ground. He hopped off his skateboard and started walking beside you. You looked at him with a confused glare.

____- Why are you not riding your skateboard?
Dave- i dunno. i just want to walk with you so you can tell me what's wrong.
____- I told you before, nothing is wrong...
Dave- come on, i know there's something you're not telling me.
____- ......... Oh, fine. You wanna know what's wrong? I think my arm is broken, that's what's wrong. I was trying to write during class today and it was really reeeeeallly difficult...
Dave- oh... well im sure it's not broken. you could still write, yeah?
____- Yes, but most of the work came from my (opposite hand).
____- I'm just worried about what my parents are going to say...
Dave- well you have to tell them, you can't hide this. Dirk and I aren't surgeons or doctors- we can't fix this for you.

You looked up at the late afternoon sky before returning your gaze to the ground. You were silent once again, until you passed the Elementary school that was a couple blocks down from the middleschool, which was not far from your highschool. They were all lined up for convenience of the parents. The preschool was located in the city, squished between office buildings, and the only collage in town was located near the boarder to the next town over. The elementary school kids giggle when you walk by. You look at them slightly, not turning your head. One of them screams, "LOOK! The cool kid has a gurl friend!!! Hehehe!" And you just blush and ignore them. You see Dave's face is red too. You looked down quickly.

(( A/N: Sorry guys, I'm switching perspectives again! Dx! I promise i'll try to do it less!! ))
Dave's Perspective

The little kids talked and laughed at you in high pitched voices as you walked by. You noticed one yell something about you having a girlfriend, which you realize they meant ____. You blushed and looked straight ahead, seeing her look at you in the corner of her eye before looking at the sidewalk again. Your stomach bubbled like there are caterpillars crawling around in there. You haven't felt like this in a long time... It was probably because you havn't eaten anything since this morning because you left abandoned your lunch to go check on ____.

Dave- hey so do you wanna go grab something to eat?
____- Sure... I am kinda hungry...
Dave- cool. we should go to the pizza place a couple blocks from here. its really good there.
____- If you say so. You know this place better than I do. Let me just text my mom and let her know...

She pulled out her i(phone/pod) and attempted to text her mom. You were so caught up in your thoughts you almost forgot she complained about a broken arm earlier. You knew it was just a fracture or something because if her arm was broken, she wouldn't be able to stand the pain. You offered to text her for her but she hesitated, saying "No, it's okay, I can do it..." In her sweet voice. Your heart skipped when she looked into your shades with her (e/c) eyes. What is this feeling? You probably just need to eat something and you'll be alright...
____ texted her mom sucessfully. Her mom said it was fine but that we should be back no later than 7:30. You looked at ____ who smiled, but you could see tears swell up in her eyes from the pain in her arm. You smiled and hugged her closer, letting her go a little while later because of your stomach acting up again. You continued walking like nothing was wrong until you and ____ came face-to-face with the resturant.

Homestuck~ Dave x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now