The Results

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(( A/N: so if you read my note before, you know that i tried to type this once but it deleted my WHOLE ENTIRE DRAFT and yeah... Anyway, enjoy! ))

Dave's Perspective

You rushed your bro while he got dressed because you were anxious about getting to ____. Jake decided he would stay behind and cook breakfast for everyone so you could eat when you got back. You wished he had come, though, because Dirk bothered you on the way there.

Dirk- so you got a girlfriend now, lil bro?
Dave- huh? you mean ____?
Dirk- yeah the one who is kawaii af. you going out now?
Dave- n-no...
Dirk- well why not? you both like eachother, right?
Dave- well i'm not sure if she likes me back.
Dirk- you just gotta go for it, man. know the moment and make the moment.
Dave- is that why Jake kissed you first?
Dirk- that's not what we're talking about.
Dave- heheheh.

He pulled into the hospital parking lot not long after that and parked the car. You rushed inside and asked the nurse at the front desk about ____. She said that she needed x-rays, but she hasn't gone in yet and that she was waiting in a hospital room. When you asked to see her, she said no because her turn in the x-ray room was coming up soon. You scowled and thanked her anyway, sitting next to Dirk who had come in while you were talking.

Dirk- what'd she say?
Dave- she said i can't see her, but she's waiting in a hospital room.
Dirk- well go see her then.
Dave- did you not hear what i just said?
Dirk- theres a map of all the room numbers and who's in them so the doctors and nurses know.
Dirk- it's on the wall over there. find her room number and go.
Dave- but-
Dirk- go.

You sighed and got up, seeing a huge map on the wall once you turned a corner in the waiting room. You saw ____'s name marked above the numbers "136" and was labeled "x-rays". You looked at your bro, who nodded at you and you nodded back nervously. You stood against the wall near the hall door labeled "rooms" and waited until a nurse walked out. You quickly and quietly snuck through the doors and down a long, white-painted hallway. You looked at each door until you realized this floor only had 1-99. You ran to the other side of the hall and up the stairwell, racing down the next floor until you reached room 136. You walked in to see ____ looking at you, perched on the side of a hospital bed.

Dave- bad time?
____- Dave?!?!

To your surprise, she ran up and hugged you. When you separated you saw her adorable smile. That smile made you all warm and fuzzy inside- like there are fucking rainbows and unicorns in your heart. You smiled back at her and put your arm around her shoulders.

____- I thought the nurse wouldn't let anyone visit!-
Dave- i know. I snuck up here.
____- You did? Why???
Dave- because i needed to see you, ____.
____- Dave, don't get me wrong, I'm SUPER happy to see you, but you should go back down before you get in trouble.
Dave- i can't leave yet because i have to tell you something.
____- ? What is it?
Dave- I love you, ____.
____- Dave, I-

This is where you lost your cool, but it was okay because it was the best time to tell her everything.

Dave- I love you so much, ____. Your smiling face has been the reason i love going to school, and your gorgeous laugh makes my heart flutter. And every time i look at you my stomach crawls, and every time i look into your eyes i see the girl i've been in love with this whole time without realizing it.

Her face turned red and she pushed your sunglasses off your face, revealing your ruby red irises. You didn't mind though because now you could see her clearer.

____- I love you too, Dave...

Without thinking, you kissed her. It was a soft but meaningful kiss and you loved every second of it. When you broke apart, she pulled you close and hugged you. You hugged back and a nurse came in. When she saw you she yelled at you to get out so that ____ could get her x-rays. Reluctantly, you pulled away from her warm embrace and escaped down the stairwell and back into the waiting room with a smile. You pushed your glasses down and casually walked back to your bro. He smiled at you and nodded as you took a deep breath.

Dave- she likes me back.

I had something different the first time, but I figured I'd change it for the greater good. I have some kind of an idea with where to go next, but I'm not doing the marriage thing. It's just kinda weird to me, sorry :T. Anyway, expect updates soon!! Luv you, kittens!!
~ Emma :3 ))

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