And Another A/N

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A/N: Hey, Kittens!!!! Its me again!!
First off, I wanted to thank you again for 1k reads and counting- it's truly amazing. I promise I will continue to write this story because you guys deserve it <3
Secondly, I wanted to hand a shoutout to DolphinGirl285 because she is currently writing an Eridan x reader that is pretty good so far. I also gave her some art for the cover but I'm bad at drawing Eridan so I know it's bad 😅. So check it out- it should be good. Last thing, I am writing a Dirk x Jake fanfiction called "DirkxJake <3". I think it should be a kawaii thing so all you yaoi fans out there check it out!
So thank you guys soooooo much for reading and dont be scared to leave a comment- i love feedback, just remember to be nice. AUTHOR-CHAN IS NOT ALLOWING CYBER BULLYING! I love you guys, you're amazing! Expect updates soon and i'll see you later, Kittens!!! <3
-Emma :3
P.S. Art by ikimaru
So fluffing adorable. <3

Homestuck~ Dave x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt