Hola (Not an Update)

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A/N: Hallo, people!! I know you're anxious for the next chapter and I'm reelly sorry about not updating!! Im just not as motivated as I was, I guess. But don't worry, the next chapter will be just as good as the other ones. I'm not gonna half-ass it just because i'm lazy. Anyway, I've got alot of stuff going on next week, especially since Wednesday is my birthday, so I don't think i'll have time to write then. I'm hoping to do some writing on the weekend so yeah, look forward to that.
Also, i've been getting a variety of comments asking me how brown eyes could be "bright", as Dave describes it in this story. I'm not sure what to tell you, because unless enough people want me to change it, than i guess you're just gonna have to use your imaginations. Sorry /:
Aside from that, I hope you're enjoying this story so far, feel free to comment about whatever, and I will see you l8r, Kittens <3
-Emma :3

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