Third Time's A Charm

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_____'s Perspective

You woke up reluctantly the next morning, bright and early. Your parents woke you and introduced you to a bowl of cereal as you rose to your feet. You ate it quickly and pulled out a (f/color) shirt with skinny jeans and your converse. Your mom handed you a (f/color) sweatshirt, which you gladly accepted. You packed your things for school, including your sketching pencils and school pencils, colored pencils, and your sketch pad. You waved goodbye to your parents and headed out the door. You looked back and forth down the hallway, and to your left you are greeted by the smaller boy you saw on the roof. Your eyes widened and you clasped your lips together, avoiding eye contact, but it was already too late.
He called out to you as you quickly walked down the hallway. You heard him run after you and felt his grasp on your arm. You turned towards him.
____- Oh, uh, hello.
Dave- You were on the roof last night.
____- Uh... Nooooo...
Dave- Don't tell anyone what you saw.
____- Why?
Dave- If someone finds out i got my ass beat by a puppet, things aren't going to end well.
____- Hm... Okay.
Dave- The name's Dave, by the way.
____- I'm ____.
Dave- ____? That's a pretty name.

You blushed at his comment and nodded when he asked to walk with you to school.

Dave- So where you from?
____- (home town). My family and I move a lot now, since my father got a new job where we travel alot.
Dave- well I hope you stick around here.
____- Yeah... Me too... Im sick of moving...
____- ...Hey, Dave?
Dave- Hm?
____- Do you know any nice people?
Dave- Well I know some nice beings...
Dave- But I wouldn't exactly call them human.

Homestuck~ Dave x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now