Time Flies

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____'s Perspective

Days on weeks pass and you get closer and closer to the trolls and the Beta kids. You were getting especially close with Karkat and Dave, because you would hang out with either one of them. Strangely enough, you never hung out with them together as a group. Dave often invited you to make sick jams and drink apple juice. You really bonded through conversation and joke sharing. The best story, as you often told him, was the one about the shipping chart Karkat had made for him and John. He would blush and say he tried to be a psychic and failed miserably. As for Karkat, he would invite you to watch rom-coms and shitty movies with him. He respected you because you could put up with his bickering and agreed with his statements about the most random things. Because of your close friendships, you didn't spend a lot of time at home, but you tried to see your parents as much as possible.
Today, for lunch, you had decided to sit in the school gardens alone. You wished to draw in peace today.
As you were sketching in your sketchpad and eating your sandwich at the same time, a figure approached you. He was tall and creepy, and he said his name was Jack Noir. He claimed that he wished to see your drawings. Reluctantly, you agreed shyly and handed it to him. One by one, he tore out the pages, letting them float to the ground and stomping on them. The hours of hard work you had put into your sketches were now smooshed into the ground. Jack hissed a laugh and kicked dirt in your face as you picked up the crumpled drawings. Tears poured out your eyes when he called you a loser and slithered away. You heard two screaming voices behind you and then a "SMACK!" "BOOM!"
Karkat and Dave came to your side. You wiped away the tears and hugged Karkat, getting tear stains on his sweater. You felt Dave put a hand on your shoulder and collect the rest of the drawings, putting them back into your now empty sketchbook cover. The grumpy troll hugged you back gently and ran his fingers through your hair. When you finally let go, you listened to the boys discussing over weather to bring you to the principal or the guidance counciler. After minutes of chatter, Dave held you close and walked you down the hallways as you hugged your sketchpad tight. Karkat ran to his next class, English, which he had with you to tell the teacher where you were. You thanked Dave as you walked down the hallways together, letting him bring you closer and kiss your forehead.

Dave's Perspective

Poor ____... You knew how much that sketchbook meant to her. You're knuckles still hurt from when you and Karkat double-punched Jack right in his stupid face.
You continued down the hallway with ____ and made it to the guidance office. You explained the situation to the secretary and she said that she wasn't busy so she could see her immediatally. You were about to walk into the office after her, but the secretary stopped you and told you to get back to class. When you denied, she looked at you sharply and you turned around, sighing. You were really worried about her... By now, she was like your best friend. You couldn't help thinking about her all through Science. You were lucky the science teacher was the best teacher because if it was anyone else, they would have sent you to the principal's office just for looking at the celling.
You blinked under your shades and looked at the teacher, your head propped up on your arm. You noticed Terezi and Sollux trying to catch your attention. They whisper-screamed at you and Sollux threw a crumpled piece of paper at your head. When you opened it, it said in messy blue ink-
You just looked at them and whispered that you'd tell them later, hoping they could read lips. Terezi scowled and Sollux nodded as the teacher tapped the whiteboard with a yardstick to capture everyone's attention.

Homestuck~ Dave x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now