A Puppet?

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_____'s Perspective

When you got to the new apartment room, you plopped on the couch the movers had installed for you and fell asleep. Your parents decided to stay up and arrange things until later.
You were woken up by the sound of swords clashing and feet banging on the roof. Since you were on the top floor, you woke up instantly. Wondering what it was, you took your headphones off of your neck and placed them on the coffee table, wandering out the door and to the stairwell. You held onto the railing and climbed the stairs carefully. You opened the door to the roof slightly, seeing two shadows and a... a puppet... Battling with plastic swords that reminded you of the animes you watch. The smaller boy, who looked to be your age, had blonde hair and circular sunglasses and was loosing to the taller boy with blonde hair, an orange cap and sharp sunglasses. The taller one held the puppet towards the other, shaking it as he groweled. He seemed to have disappeared when he ran around, beating up the other with his puppet. It was the classic, terrifying puppet, dressed in rappers clothes from the 90s. Frozen in your shoes, you saw the shorter one look at you through his circular shades. He stood upward, staring at you until he was interrupted by the puppet, who smacked him to the ground once again. You decided you would just go back to your appartment, because this was certainly something you didn't want to investigate, especially not on a school night. You quietly closed the door to the roof, scurrying down the steps and back to your apartment room. The footsteps and swords clashing had stopped and you could sleep noiselessly again. Your thoughts wandered through what you thought your new school would be like until you drifted off to sleep again.

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