Chapter 20

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"And I'm here because...?" Selena asked Joe from her seat next to him.

"You're my friend and are nice enough to help me out," Joe replied.

"We could just stop all of this and you could tell her how you feel."

"I will if you'll talk to Nick about your feelings." Selena immediately shut up and watched the door to the diner. Joe didn't want to do things this way, but he had no choice.

"Then why do I have to be here?" David asked from his seat next to Selena.

"Nick told me to bring you along. He said he had a special date for you," Joe said.

"I don't want a date. I want Amelia." The bell attached to the diner door jingled, and they all turned to see who was there. Amelia entered flanked by Nick, Nicole, Kevin, and Dani.

"David ask for world peace next!" Selena said tapping his arm. [AN: XD] He turned giving her a dirty look before returning his gaze to Amelia. Amelia cast a suspicious look at those who stood behind her before marching up to their table.

“All right, Sel. Spill,” Amelia said crossing her arms. Selena looked at Joe confused. Why did Amelia think she knew something? “Nick said you wanted us all to meet here and talk about collaborating on a future tour.”

“Well, Nick lied,” Selena said.

“Obviously.” Amelia turned towards Nick who along with everyone else had seated themselves in the empty chairs at the table. “Why are we here? At my diner?”

“You can’t claim a diner sis!” Nick chuckled.

“I can claim anything I want. Now I know why everyone else is here, but let me guess as to why I am here. I bet it has something to do with David.”

“Stop it Amelia. Nick was just trying to help,” David said watching her carefully.

“No. Let me think on this a little longer. Did you think that if I just spent one meal with David I would want to date him again?”

“Amelia stop!” David stood up and grabbed her by the arm. Amelia jerked away from him and leaned into Nick’s personal space.

“I want you to leave me alone Nick! If I thought you needed to know about David I would have told you! My life is my life!”

“He’s your brother. He’s just worried about you.” Amelia turned on David with a mixture of anger and fear in her eyes.

“YOU should have kept him out of this. This is between you and me. No one else. How could you ask my brother to help you?”

“Because you wouldn’t talk to me! I miss you! You just disappeared. One minute we’re together and then you just disappeared. Did you ever love me Amelia?”

“Of course I love you David. That’s not the point. I can’t be here anymore.” They all watched her march from the diner. Each of her brothers started to stand.

“Stay and enjoy your lunch. This is between the two of us,” David said following after her.

[AN: Well, at least they’re talking?]

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