Chapter 37 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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[AN: This is the end my friends!]

“Thank you all so much everyone,” Amelia shouted into her microphone. “Now I’d like to introduce some of the best guys I know. My brothers; the Jonas brothers!” The audience cheered loudly as her brothers took the stage. Amelia smiled until she saw the man standing behind them. She heard her brothers through the private connection in their headsets.

“We brought you a surprise,” Nick said with a chuckle.

“I told him that if he hurts you again I will kick his ass,” Joe said.

“I admit we might have had an ulterior motive when we talked with you last night,” Kevin admitted. Amelia felt Kevin behind her as he pushed her forward. “Go on sis. He didn’t come here for us.” Amelia walked forward until she was inches away from David.

“Why did you come here?” she asked.

“It’s not too late Amelia,” David replied pulling her even closer. “I told you that I just needed some time. I’m sorry that I scared you like that.”

“But you visited Molly.”

“She looks just like you.”

“She has your eyes.”

“I had to get a few things settled in my life before I came back.”

“Like what?”

“Well, I had to find a house for us, go jewelry shopping, call both of your fathers and ask them for permission to marry you. And then after I did that your brothers wanted to know why I didn’t ask them. After that I asked Molly what she thought, and she thinks it makes sense that her aunt and uncle are married and so do I –“

“Wait, what?!? How do you know I even want to marry you?”

“Because you love me Amelia. From the first day I met you I’ve always known that you would be the one.”

“I can’t decide if I want to smack you or kiss you for torturing me like that.”

“I’d go with the kiss,” David said wrapping his arms around her. “Allow me to start us off.” The two were locked in a passionate embrace much to the excitement of the fans in the stadium. Hours from now photos of the kissing couple would be all over the media. Amelia’s brothers smiled before turning to entertain the crowd.

“I’m pretty sure Lia’s love troubles are gone for good,” Joe said into the microphone. “We’d like to start our concert with a little piece dedicated to our sister and her---“ Joe broke off and looked over at the kissing couple. “Hey David! Did you propose yet?” David only gave him a thumbs up as he resumed kissing Amelia. “I’ll take that as a yes. This is for Amelia and her fiancé David!”

[Song on the side!]

[There it is. That’s the end. New story to be posted asap! Keep an eye out!]

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