𝙋𝙧𝙚- 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙒𝙖𝙧

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay without me?" Wanda asked for what was probably the 5th hundred times as Steve bounced Freya on his hip.

"Wanda, the two of us will be fine." Steve assured the red head again. "Natasha is on her way."

It's been about 3 months since Aurora had gone to deal with the family stuff. They haven't seen her since. Well, psychically at least. Since Aurora is still busy keeping her people content on the ship, she and Steve had scheduled calls to keep eachother informed of everything that was happening.

Although it wasn't enough. Aurora astral projected at times, whenever she was free to see her family and friends down on earth. And it was killing her the longer she was away. It was killing both of them.

When Aurora left, Steve had to start Freya on formula milk. It wasn't an easy transition. And Freya was missing her mother. Steve missed her too. With Aurora gone he had to enlist the help of Wanda and Natasha.

Albeit Wanda helped out more given her schedule was more flexible. Natasha was out with Nina, busy freeing the rest of the Black Widows around the world.

It's been a year since the Red Room came down, but they were still busy at work. Sam went to pick the mother-daughter pair up. Vision was about to arrive in Scotland, waiting for Wanda to meet him there. Veronica was covering for him back at the compound per their agreement.

"You know if you need anything, anything at all I'm just a phone call away." Wanda reminded the super soldier. Steve nods with a slight laugh. "Go." He ushered the red head.

Wanda nods, quickly kissing Freya's cheek, causing her to giggle at the contact. Wanda smiled at the little girl. It was hard being away from one of her best friends, she promised she'd help in any way she could with Freya as are 'Godmother' duties.

Wanda waves goodbye to the father-daughter pair before leaving. Steve sighs and looks down at Freya. "Looks like it's just us for the time being." Freya looked up at her father, giving him a dimpled smile.

Steve smiled back, lifting her up with both hands to bounce her over his head. Tossing her a little bit in the air and then catching her. Freya was thrilled to be tossed up in the air, laughing more every time.

Steve smiled from ear to earth. These past months his daughter was the only thing keeping him going. That and the weekly calls with Aurora. He missed his wife, and Freya is the only person keeping him sane.

Steve puts Freya in her pink highchair that sits in the kitchen. "Alright Frey-Bear," Steve says as he heads to the kitchen appliances. Steve pulled open the fridge and rifled through its contents.

"When Aunt Natasha comes by tomorrow I'll make sure to buy some more food but for now..."

Steve paused to pull out a container of fresh red strawberries. Freya's favorite food. "Strawberries." Freya laughed delightly, from her vantage point all she could see that was in the container was a cluster of red. But she saw the smile on her fathers face so she laughed nonetheless.

Steve smiled at his daughter's reaction, turning around to quickly wash the strawberries before giving them to her. He made the point to also wash her bottle for her nap later tonight.

Steve turned back to his daughter, pulling up the kitchen island's high top chair in front of Freya. He had already cut the strawberries into pieces so it would be safer for her to digest. Once Freya saw the familiar red fruit, she dove in.

Taking the pieces between her small fingers and eating chewing. Steve has to resist laughing at his young daughter. It was the joy in her eyes as she tasted the fruit that reminded him so much of her mother. If there is one definite thing that Freya inherited from Aurora was her sweet tooth.

Steve's phone buzzed, a message from Sam.

SAM: I got Nina and Natasha. On our way back.

And at the same time, another text popped up from Nina this time.

NINA: Question. Does Freya prefer paper or a canvas to finger paint on? You know what, I'll get her the canvas.

Nina had taken the role of Freya's big cousin. Big sister, almost if you will. And Nina had recently gotten into art as a hobby. She wasn't Picasso, but it was fun. And she was sure Freya would agree.

Steve smiled and looked back up at Freya. "You have a large family, did you know that?" Freya had no idea what he was talking about. But being on her tiny strawberry binge she smiled at him before resuming to eat the strawberries.

"Speaking of family, we have to start making plans to visit Uncle Bucky." Steve hadn't seen Bucky since they left him in Wakanda.

The Wakandans were helping him in getting rid of the winter soldier program. And when Aurora had given birth, Bucky was still there fighting what HYDRA had done to him.

But recently, Bucky was free of the program. The Wakanadans were successful. And Steve wanted his best friend to meet his daughter.

They had talked recently and he had sent pictures. But it's not the same as meeting her in person.

Steve sighs, a thought for another day. "Alright, Frey-Bear, let's get you to bed." Once Freya finished her strawberries Steve picked her up from the highchair and took her to the nursery.

He gave her a quick bath, which resulted in a lot of splashing, cooing noises and squeaking from Freya's rubber duck.

Then he cleaned her up, put her in her swaddle and sat down with her in the rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom.

Freya drinks her milk from the bottle as Steve rocked her back and forth. "You come from a long line of royal people." Steve began to say.

"From your mom's side that is. Which makes you technically a princess." Steve smiles. "Which means one day you will have a giant castle all to yourself. I promise, we won't be living here your entire life."

That's all Steve wanted. As much as he appreciated Veronica for giving them the penthouse, he knew it wasn't going to be a forever home. Because they were still fugitives. Eventually someone would figure them out and they would have to run.

"Well it might not be a giant castle. Maybe it'll just be a house. With a porch and a white picket fence. And maybe in Brooklyn." Steve would love to raise Freya in the place he grew up in. Obviously it's been a few decades since Steve was a child growing up in New York, but he would like it nonetheless.

They haven't exactly talked about the living situation, since well Aurora has been gone for 5 months. But when she returned it would be a discussion he would like to have. Or any type of discussion because he deeply missed his wife.

In all of Steve's talking, Freya had dozed off. Milk, plus talking about houses results in a sleepy baby. Steve carried her over to her crib, resting her carefully and she didn't even make a sound.

Steve couldn't help but wish Aurora was back with them as he heads away. "Goodnight Freya."

A/N - Okay it's a little short but whatever. Freya is definitely going to be a daddies girl.

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