Chap.12: Rescue Mission

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Axel's POV

I woke up from my deep sleep only to be confused as to where I was. The last thing I remembered was making love to Maddie. I smiled and turned over expecting my black haired beauty, but instead I was met with my greatest fear... I had cheated on Maddie. I jumped up realizing the grave mistake I had done. I quickly got dressed and ran to the dungeon where my family was.

"Where the hell have you been!!" Yelled Phoenix. "We thought they did something horrible to you!!"

"No time to explain. Lorna where are you?"

"Right here." She said revealing herself. "I memorized the layout and figured out the best escape route. Plus I got the keys."

"Ok good. Now let everyone out. We're leaving now."

"On such short notice? What about the guards."

"Zaya I need you to create a shield around all of us. Lorna lead the way." She just nodded and released everyone before we followed her. She led us down multiple corridors and we were pretty much getting away with it until they spotted.

"The prisoners have escaped! Get them!"

"Lorna we need another way out!" I exclaimed.

"But I only memorized this one!"

"Why didn't you have a back up plan!"

"Axel, I was up all night!! Tired and worried for you!" I didn't have time to hear it, so instead I ran down more corridors while fighting my way towards everyone in sight. We then made it outside only to realize it was a dead end. They had cornered us by the cliff side and it seemed like we were doomed.

"You have no where else to go! Give up now and we might now hurt you.. much." They laughed. I really thought it was the end, but I didn't wanna give up without a fight. I prepared a fighting stance when all of a sudden my jet was heard behind us and we noticed Asuke was flying it!!

"Oh thank god!" Zaya said. The door was opened as we hopped in one by one leaving them dumbfounded. Asuke fired at them in order for us to escape safely and once we were all in he quickly flew away.

"Where the hell have you been!?!"

"Sorry for abandoning you guys, but I was gathering intel. There's a real nasty storm in progress at Markus's hideout, so they all had to retreat inside."

"If the storm's that bad then we need to travel under water." I pressed a few buttons as the jet changed its form and submerged into the water.

"Wow look at all the fishes!!" Exclaimed Lily. The ocean truly was a beautiful sight too bad I couldn't enjoy it as the guilt inside was tearing me apart. How could I have been so stupid to have let her drug me. I basically got raped!

Within a few hours we had finally reached our destination. We parked it inside a cave and gathered around as to what to do next. The trees were bending in the wind and the waves roared wildly.

"Everyone is mostly underground so we need to come in from the top. If we can find our families, maybe Uncle Draco can tame this storm."

"Here's a map of the layout I managed to steal. Everyone should be here." Asuke laid out a map and pointed to a big circular room. I nodded as the jet's door was opened. The storm was so bad that it started to shake the jet. I immediately tied a rope around us as we headed outside. Asuke was the strongest so he was in front. We climbed up the path leading up to the hideout and once there we realized it was a castle that was halfway underground.

"They must be there!" Yelled Lorna. We spotted a circular rooftop made of glass and made our way there.

"Zaya we need another force field!"

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