Dealer 2 (karlity)

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Sapnap:"you like him!"
Quackity:"what no I don't? I barley know him.."
Sapnap:"hey,party tonight at 9 at dreams house,he'll be there"
Quackity:"okay? What do you expect me to do with that information"

Sapnap:"don't act dumb"
Quackity shrugged and Sapnap walked away annoyed.Quackity went to his first class,and the second,and definitely to ditch the third because it's an uneven number and no one likes those.
He went behind the school on the grass and got out his phone.

He switched from playing on it and texting some people from time to time.
Before he knew it,he was joined by someone.
"Hey stranger"
He looked up.
Quackity:"hey Karl" he smiled.
Karl:"mind if I join you?"
Quackity nodded.Karl sat down next to him and put down his backpack.

Quackity:"so,why are you skipping"
Karl:"got bored,what about you? What were you doing out here so mysteriously?~"
He joked.
Quackity:"nothing basically,I was about to go back to my dorm and just do my classes online"
Karl:" you uh..going to the party later?"
Quackity:"eh I think so,will I be seeing you there?"
Karl:"yeah I'll be there"
Quackity:"then yeah,I'll be there"
Quackity smirked,alright a subtle flirt wasn't really his kind of jam but,Karl was cute,and a nervous wreck when noticed.

Karl blushed and looked at the floor.
Quackity:"I didn't take you for a party kinda guy yk"
Karl:"well...I don't really like party's,I usually just awkwardly stand in the corner looking at my phone"
Quackity:"thought so"
Karl:"piss off"
Quackity chuckled.
Quackity:"so I see your full of surprises,
Tell me more about yourself"
Karl:"uh well I'm from Arizona,I like playing video games..I like cats and dogs,I major in film making andddd uhhh I'm a virg-"

Karl:"Virgo...a Virgo is what I was gonna say obviously!.."
Quackity laughed at him.
Quackity:"your a virgin?!"
Karl:"I was spit balling facts about myself idk why that came to mind..."
Quackity continued to laugh at the 18 year old.
Karl:"I'm embarrassed and leaving byeeeeee"
Quackity took his arm.
Quackity:"karllll nooo stay here virgin boy"
Karl couldn't help but laugh to,he sat back down and just giggled as Quackity countied to laugh at him.

The lesson eventually ended and Karl decided to go back to class while Quackity went home to prep for the party.
Quackity:"hey George"
He said as he walked into his dorm.
George was laying on his bed sloppily.
George:"hey Q"
Quackity:"wait why are you here? Shouldn't you be in chem"
George:"I don't feel so good...and I uh..."
Quackity looked at him confused.
George:"can't really Walk so-"
Quackity started laughing again.
George threw his pillows at him as he tried not to laugh.
George:"I hate you"

Quackity sat down and started doing his work still snickering at George.
The weird thing about George was that,his sex life was just crazy,he once caught him and dream on the bed with handcuffs,in the shower,IN A MAID DRESS,man's was that he thought about it.
Sapnap did to,dream was out of the question,he didn't know anything about Karl's sex life..well except for the far that he was a virgin..

but even he probably gets more hoo-haa than him,why did u say one says that.anyways I should step up my game..I wonder if Karl's sexually active?..I mean he could definitely get it- I mean why am I thinking about this,did I just forget he told me he was a virgin like 3 minutes ago...why can't I just not think about him...

Quackity finished his homework and got ready for the party.once him and George were done they took an Uber to the party.
You could hear the alcohol and over privileged teenagers from a mile away.
They got out of the car and walked in.
They were immediately hit by the smell of booze and motor boating.
Sapnap came to them.
Quackity:"uh hey sap,see your already drunk"
Sapnap:"man I'm telling you this party is AWSEOME"

Quackity scoffed.George went fo go find dream while Sapnap took him by the shoulder and led him to outside where they were doing shots on tables.a few minutes later Sapnap already got distracted and Quackity walked back inside.he wasn't really feeling it wich was rather unusual.
He got to the fancy kitchen and looked at all the variations of heart failure they had.he looked around and saw Karl on the table in front of Him.
Karl:"hey client"
Quackity:"hey Karl,nice seeing you here..
Although i expected you to awkwardly stand in a corner"

Karl laughed.
Karl:"had a drink yet?"
Quackity:"not a single one"
Karl:"let's get you started them,I'll mix you something special~"
Quackity:"oh so your a dealer,school skipper,party goer AND bartender..what are you not Karl?~"
Karl:"hm..can't think of anything,guess I can do anything"
Quackity:"except loose your virginity💀"
Karl punched his shoulder.

Karl:"f you man"
He continued to mix his drink while Quackity admired him,how is everything you do so perfect?
He held up the red cup in his face.
Quackity took it.
Karl:"Ice,kool aid,two shots of vodka,hint of whiskey and some lime"
Quackity:"sounds disgusting"

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now