Bully 3 (karlity)

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It was lunch time...great,there goes his chance to losing his virginity to the popular guy at school on the first day.
Karl stood up and helped him up too.
Quackity:"hey you do realize I'm gonna have to go back to being shitty to you the second we walk out of here right?"
Karl:"I know,it's a cliché really,I'm fine with it tho"

Quackity smiled.
Quackity:"I've never met someone who'd be willing to- nevermind I'm being emotional that is NOT good for a man.."
Karl:"is being gay an exception?"
Quackity:"I mean.."
Karl:"what's more manly than liking other men right?"

He smiled before he kissed Quackitys slightly bruised cheek before walking away to lunch.once he was outside Quackity did a little spin off victory.
I can't believe I'm falling for such a fucking loser...WHO LITERALLY JUST GOT HERE??
Quackity eventually left the room too and made his way to lunch.
Karl went to grab his tray and sat down with George.

Karl:"hey George"
George:"hey k- wait"
Karl raised his eyebrow.
George:"where tf where you?!? You were gone the whole lesson!"
Karl:"I was busy.."
George:"busy with Quackity?? What did he like beat you up"
Karl:"no- I mean yeah- wait no,fuck idk what to tell you George?"
George:"whatever,I'll figure it out eventually"
He snarled.

The popular guys came by their table.
Sapnap:"hey guys"
Dream:"hey George"
Quackity:"hey Karl"
Karl:"what do you want?"
Quackity:"vanilla milks out,I want yours"
Karl:"well sucks for you because this one's mine"
Dream:"give me yours Georgie"
George:"this one's strawberry,don't you have anything better to do?? Get a hobby or something..."
Sapnap:"making losers feel bad about themselves is our hobby"
George:"that's gay"

Karl:"yeah stop talking to guys so much that's like..so gay💀"
Him and George snickered.
Quackity:"fuck you guys"
He picked up Karl's flavored milk and squeezed the box so that he got it in his face.George smacked his hand over his mouth.
dammmmm😰😰 he did not just do that🤯
Karl:"ha..ha" he tried to laugh at him as he wiped of the c- vanilla.
Lunch monitor:"YOU TO"

Lunch monitor:"YOU HEARD ME,GO"
Karl groaned and they both went out in the  hallway.when they were alone Quackity pushed him against the locker with his hands on his waist.
Karl:"WHOA- Jesus man chill out!"
Quackity:"what? Oh sorry..I wanted to get us aloe?..."
Karl lightly pushed him off and continued to walk to the bathroom.Quackity followed.
When he got in Karl washed his face.
Quackity:"hey I'm sorry man..I-I didn't mean to..yk"

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now