On the run 3 (karlity)

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Present day(now)

(Congrats to the bitches who said A wich was no one🫢,also alr I might've exaggerated a little bit😰)

It's been a year since they moved here.
Karl and Quackity decided to keep it "professional".but they're best friends,they tell each other everything,Karl's never been happier with a decision he made them now,it was the best thing to ever happen.they had money and didn't have to go to school,they could literally do what they want.

Karl liked to bring guys home from time to time,Quackity didn't really seem to be to fond of having a relationship right now,atleast not with someone other than Karl.
That leads us to today,Thursday evening.
Quackity was just coming home from buying some groceries when he heard moans coming from upstairs,nothing too unusual.
He put the bag down and slowly went upstairs.he creaked the door open.
Karl was giving head to someone,the guy looked kinda familiar.

Quackity:"im home"
"Shit" the guy said as he jumped and quickly tried to fix his pants.
Karl:"oh no don't worry he's fine with it,hey Q can you wait outside?"
Quackity:"sure dude"
He closed the door again and went downstairs.
A few moments later the moans came back,they continued for about two minutes before Quackity assumed he finished and they got dressed again.

They came downstairs and Karl's "hook up" walked out of the door.
"Bye Karl"
Karl:"bye corpse!"
The door closed,Karl dried his head.
Quackity:"ugh you smell like cigarettes and sex"
Karl:"fuck off dude" Karl scoffed.
Quackity:"why do you always..like yk hook up with people.."

Karl:"I'm pretty sure I've explained this to you like 70 times this month but,idk dude,
Before you took me here I was pretty much stuck with a shitty boyfriend,and I didn't really have sex a lot,like at all...but when I came here I got why people love it so much! It makes me feel so alive it's crazy"
Quackity:"hm..I guess I get your point"
Karl:"dude we need to get you fucked"
Quackity:"what? Fuck off I'm not fuckin..
Having sex with you or smt.."
Karl:"what? Dude- NOT WITH ME???"
Quackity:"oh...damm my bad💀"
Karl put his hand on Quackitys shoulder.
Karl:"I'm telling you..wait what are you even into??"

Quackity:"uh,fuck if I know...."
I'm into you.
Karl:"hm..wanna make out to find out!"
They laughed.
Karl:"cmon I'm joking...I mean half joking you gotta admit it's not that bad of an idea-"
Quackity:"make out with me then"
He said looking him dead in the eyes.
Karl blushed.

Karl:"wait your serious?.."
Quackity shrugged.
He put his hand on Quackitys cheek and kissed him,that's the first real kiss he's had in a while..
It lasted a few seconds before pulling away.
Quackity:"I'm not telling you"
Quackity:"HA HA"
Karl punched his shoulder.

Karl:"I hate you"
Quackity:"I know you love meeee,I'm making lasagna tonight"
He said walking into the kitchen.
Karl:"I love you!"
He shouted before walking up the stairs to his room.he cleaned up the mess and the..
Sex things? Before watching some tv.
A few hours later Quackity came in and flopped on top of Karl.

Quackity:"dinners ready"
He said exhausted.
Karl put his hand on his head.
Karl:"you alright?"
Quackity:"yeah I'm just exhausted from making dinner ALONE for YOU"
Karl:"well if you needed help you could've asked me"
He looked at Karl,karl looked back at him.

These were the types of moments they didn't allow,or Quackity didn't allow.
Every second he spent with Karl he was trying so hard not to fall in love with him,
But he was already knee deep.Karl was perfect,he was precious,innocent,and at the same time sexual,he was all Quackity ever wanted without even knowing.

But things had to stay professional,he couldn't get him involved,because if he did he knew If he ever went down,Karl would too,and would you want that to happen to your first and only Love? Ofcourse not.
Quackity got up and helped Karl up.
They went downstairs and sat down.
Karl immediately started eating his lasagna.

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now