Movie night,with a twist 2 (karlity)

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He put his hand on his thigh,Karl's breath hitched.
Quackity:"this okay?"
Karl nodded,he tried so hard to make his face go back to normal.
Quackity:"dude,quit hogging the popcorn"
He laughed as he took his hand off.
Quackity took the popcorn from Karl's lap.
He quickly coverd himself embarrassed.
Quackity:"wait a-are you?..."

Kalr:"fuck- I swear I didn't mean too- just- you literally grabbed my dick,of course I'm gonna get hard!"
He tried to defend himself.
Quackity:"don't worry about it!...what now?.."
Karl looked around.
Karl:"idk....I'll go upstairs or something-"
Quackity:"what if I help you?.."
Karl looked at him.

Quackity came a bit closer.
Quackity:"'s my fault isn't it?"
Karl:"um,well not really it's still my fault for- ah~"
Quackity kissed him.
He drove his hand up his thigh making him whimper.also giving him a chance to slip his tongue in.

He was already moaning,I wonder what would happen if I actually touched him.
Karl:"Q-quack I'm really sorry~-"
He whined trying to apologize.
Quackity:"why don't you shut up and open your legs for me?~"
Karl nodded not really sure if he was supposed to respond or not,instead he just opened his legs.
Quackity:"good boy"
Karl passed out,well he didn't actually,he just felt like it.

Quackity put his hand on his "problem" and started palming him.
Quackity started kissing his neck.
Karl:"mh~ Q~..."
Quackity:"you moan like a girl"
Quackity:"in a good way.."
Karl smiled.
Quackity pressed harder.
Karl:"fuck!~ i..I've never done this before..~"
Quackity:"holy shit"
He pulled away and looked at him.
Quackity:"y-your a virgin?.."

Karl:" Ofcourse not.."
Quackity wasn't sure if he was lying,
honestly neither was Karl.
Quackity:"do you want me to be more gentle?"
Karl:"no...I can take it"
Quackity smiled and kissed him again.
He slowly unzipped his pants and took out his member.He looked at it.
He scoffed.
Quackity:"aww what's the matter karl? Are you shy?~"

Karl:"no?!- Quackity please- just touch me.."
He wrapped his hand around his member and started moving it.
Quackity:"wow..your really excited..~"
Karl:"I-I want...N-no,need...I...fuck...I-I'm confused"
Quackity scoffed and went faster.
Karl's breath hitched over and over,he couldn't even get words out.
Quackity:"your really sensitive here aren't you~"

Karl:"mhm!~ p-please- fuck~"
Quackity:"what's wrong? To fast?"
Karl shook his head.since he was mostly inaudible,Quackity went slower just in case.
He noticed his thighs shaking,like a lot.
Quackity:"oh,your gonna cum?"
Karl nodded vigorously,he was already overstimulated.
Quackity went faster.
Karl:"ah!~ Quackity I'm!— Fuck!~"
He finished in Quackitys hand.
Quackity pulled his hand away and looked at it.
Quackity:"wow,you were pent up weren't you? That's why you got hard so easily"
Karl panted.

Karl:"I-I'd get hard regardless..."
Quackity smiled and got off.
Quackity:"I'm gonna go wash my hands"
He left to go to the kitchen.
Karl sat up and fixed his pants.
Karl:"Quackity I'm dizzy..."
He whined.
Quackity came back and laughed at him.
Quackity:"come here"
He laid down and put him on his lap.
It didn't take Karl long to fall asleep,and Quackity soon did too.

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now