On the run 2 (karlity)

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Now they were driving,it was nice,Karl finally felt alive again.
He knocked Karl out of his thoughts.
Karl:"yeah?" He said looking at him.
Quackity:"I just need to be sure..am I dropping you off somewhere or are you doing this with me?"

Karl:"would it be cool if I did it with you?"
Quackity:"yea..I haven't had a friend in a while...we need to decide,what's your role?"
Karl:"hm....jake walker,21,psychology major,mommy issues,favorite food is pineapple on pizza"
Quackity scoffed.

Quackity:"are you living with me?"
Karl:"if you'll have me"
Quackity:"of course"
Karl:"tell me about yourself,I don't even know your name"
Quackity:"my names Quackity,I'm 20,and just yk...living off the rails"
Karl:"is that your fake name or real?"
Quackity:"real,my fake names gonna be Alex"
Karl:"you look like an Alex"

Quackity:"hm,you look like a jake"
Karl:"hm...how do I know your not gonna kill me?"
Quackity:"why would I kill you? You'll be perfect in my new life,besides,I'm not a killer,when we get there we'll pack a bag and get bus tickets,So whenever you wanna leave,you can just go"
Karl:"hm..I don't know why but..I trust you..
It's probably not a good idea but I feel like I do"
Quackity:"thank you..I trust you too karl.."
Karl smiled.
Karl:"hey how long is the drive?"
Quackity:"likeee..5 more hours?"

They continued to drive until nighttime.
When Quackity got to tired to drive he parked on the side of the road next to some woods.
Quackity:"your not up to drive are you?"
Karl:"nope.." he yawned.Quackity got some blankets and pillows from the back of his trunk.
He gave some to Karl and some to himself.
Karl looked in the woods.
He said excited before jumping out of the car and running into the woods.

Quackity quickly chased after him with a flashlight.
Quackity:"wait! Karl slow down it's dangerous!"
A few moments after Karl stopped.
Quackity watched as the deer rushed away into the bushes.
Karl:"aw man.."
Quackity was out of breath but he put his hand on his shoulder.

Quackity:"don't worry man,maybe we'll see another one tomorrow or something.."
Karl looked at Quackity.it was dark and he was so close.Quackity gulped.
Quackity:"c-can I kiss you?..."
Karl didn't answer,instead he put his hands on his face and kissed him.
It lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away.

Karl:"shit sorry I-"
Quackity:"if that's what happens when you chase after a deer in the woods at night you should do it more often"
He laughed.
Karl:"shut up"
He said before kissing him again.
They went back to the car and eventually fell asleep.

Fast forward to when they arrive,they stood in front of their house In Oklahoma.
Quackity:"ready to start over?"
Karl:"fuck yeah"

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now