Sleeping on the couch (karlity)

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It's currently 00:10 atm so have this shitpost
Karl x Quackity
Idk how to categorize this 💠/🃏?
Still have to figure out a song

Basically Karl and Quackity get in a fight and spank bank calls Quackity to check in.
Quackity came home late,he stumbled through the door and saw Karl standing behind the kitchen island biting his nails.
Quackity:"Karl..are you okay"
Karl:"Where have you been?!? I've been worried sick about you!"
He shouted.

Quackity:"Karl I'm sorry I was just-"
Karl:"I don't wanna hear it! J-just be quiet!- I can't stand listening to your voice right now!.."
Quackity started walking over to Karl.
Quackity:"look Karl-.."
Karl backed up from him and held his hand up.
Karl:"don't- your sleeping in the couch.."
He said before walking into the bedroom still stressed,greatttttt.
Quackity got a glass of water and laid down on the couch,he sighed to himself before he got a call,it was sapnap,he was video calling him.he picked up his phone and answered.

Sapnap:"yoo- ew you look disgusting"
Quackity chuckled.
Quackity:"yeah I'm a bit..I'm a bit tipsy to be honest.."
Sapnap:"Jeez what have you been up to,
And where are you??"
Quackity:"um well I went to a bar with Wilbur,drunk some whine and got a little yk..."
Sapnap:"right well that doesn't answer my question,where are you?"
Quackity:"uh...I'm laying on my couch.."
Sapnap:"shouldn't you be in bed? It's really late how long have you slept for"
Quackity:"I actually just came back..."
Sapnap:"seriously??...wait...let me guess,
You forgot your phone again so Karl had to stay up all night worrying about you"
Quackity groaned.
Quackity:"yup......that's what happened.."
He said not to proud of himself.

Sapnap:"soooo now I'm guessing you have to sleep on the couch.."
Sapnap:"Jeez you really are a wreck"
Quackity:"dude I wasn't even planning to drink,and the phone thing was an accident too,like who even gets drunk from drinking whine"
Sapnap:"you do.."
Quackity:"shut up Sapnap...what do I do to make it up to him?"

Sapnap:"idk...dick him do-"
Sapnap:"fine fine...make him breakfast? Idk man can we talk about it tomorrow"
Quackity:"yeah sure,good night spank bank"
Sapnap:"good night quack titty"
He hung up and shortly after Quackity fell asleep.

Time skip (morning)

Quackity slowly woke up with his back already sore from the uncomfortable couch.he groaned as he sat up,but he smelled something? Something...delicious.

He looked behind him at the kitchen and saw Karl preparing two breakfast plates,
he was such and angel.he stood up and went to him.
Quackity:"good morning.."
Karl stayed quiet for a while.
Karl:"...good morning"
He said as he finished the plates,eggs,
Bacon,pancakes,he was so perfect.

Quackity:"what's this?.."
Karl:"don't 'what's this' me,I can't believe I'm still making you breakfast even tho I'm angry at you...." He said irritated.
Quackity:"look Karl..I'm really sorry,I'm sorry for worrying you because I wasn't answering...I'm sorry for not telling you I was gonna go out,I'm sorry..I love you.."
He said as he took Karl's hands.
Karl:"why is it so hard to stay mad at you.."
He hugged him.

Quackity:"I'm sorry..guess I'm just perfect"
Karl:"yeah well that's not very convenient for me is it" he joked.
Quackity:"so you forgive me?"
Karl:"yes,I do...just text me next time alright? Or text from Wilbur's phone"
Quackity:"I will...ily"
Karl kissed his forehead.
Karl:"I love you too"
Quackity pulled away and looked at him.
Quackity:"make up se-?"

If I go missing for like I few months just know I probably logged off or deleted my acc/hj

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now