Vampire (karlity)

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Karl x Quackity
Song: good little girl - adventure time/hj
A bit longer than I expected

Karl was in his room,in his huge room.
Karl was the son of two very wealthy kingdom rulers so they lived in a castle like house in the woods.he had a normal room and that's where he spent most of his days.Home schooled and alone,only his computer and phone to keep him company.he talked to his friends every day but they lived in the town down the hill so it's not like he would see them very often.

Anyway it Karl's big day,there had been a lot of tales about the woods,that they were so very dangerous,haunted by werewolves,vampires and poisonous food.
Only at night were they active.Karl didn't have much will to live anymore so he decided to take that risk,he put on his royal looking outfit and his basket in case he'd find some interesting fruit he could make a potion out of,or just some pretty flowers.he waited till everyone was asleep and got out his rope.

he tied it to his balcony edge before carefully climbing down on was pitch black outside,super scary.he got far enough into the woods for the guards not to see him and got out his flashlight.he walked around in the quiet dark night with trees everywhere around a was terrifying.but something caught his eye,he shined his flashlight towards it,a Rapunzel daisy.

A glowing flower,like the one from the fairy tale was rare,and beautiful.
He picked it and put it in his basket.
He started to look more around that tree area.he was jus squatting there when something grabbed his shoulders from behind and janked him.Karl shouted and tried to defend himself without seeing anything.the creature threw him onto the ground before growling.

Karl opened his eyes to see something or someone unexpected.It was that guy from the village.he was friends with Karl's friends like dream and George,he saw him sometimes at the apple stands looking at him or smoking.
they talked a few times but not a lot,as far as he knew his name was Quackity.
Karl:"I-it's you?.."
The creatures glowing red eyes turned back to normal.
Quackity:"holy shit your that rich dude.."
Karl:"please...please don't kill me"
Or do? Idk.
Quackity looked him in the eyes as Karl put his hand on his right cheek.
Quackity:"no I won't...I-..I'm sorry"

Karl:"okay good."
Karl quickly got up along with Quackity.
Quackity:"um so...fancy seeing you here"
Karl:"yeah I was picking flowers and stuff..why are you here..and why the hell did you attack me?!"
Quackity:"oh well idk I just thought 'nice ass he'd taste good' haha"
He mentally face palmed himself,that was the dumbest thing he's ever said.
Karl looked at him confused.
Quackity:"uh sorry...bad joke"
Karl:"right...weirdo" my ass is obviously delicious.

Quackity:"hey are you alright?"
He said worried as he focused on his wrist wich had a big cut,Karl didn't even notice.
Karl:"holy fuck- look what you did!..."
Quackity:"I'm so sorry,here,come with me"
He went over to him and picked him up like a bride before he carefully flew away with him.
Karl panicked and blushed,this is a position he'd never see himself in.
Quackity:"calm down I got you...stop moving we're almost there"
He said In a soft tone.

Karl felt safe but also no,by the time he calmed down they arrived at Quackitys "place".
a cave,how had a bed,kitchen,
living room,table,all the normal stuff but one big room with the walls as rocks.
He put Karl down and he looked around.
Quackity:"here,sit on the crafting table,I'll make you some tea"
Karl nodded and sat down on the crafting table at the end of the room while Quackity started making some tea.

Karl could smell it,chamomile tea,his favorite.
Karl:"is that chamomile?.."
Quackity:"yeah sorry it's the only one I have" he laughed awkwardly.
Karl:"it's like a vampire?"
Quackity:"yeah I am a vampire"
Karl:" did you like..get bitten or something?"

Quackity:"yeah I got bitten..kinda hurt but it had its percs"
Karl:"like what?"
Quackity:"well..Unless someone puts a knife through my skull I'm basically immune,uhh I can fly wich Is sick,I have this is pretty cool"
Karl:"but what about..being hunted and not good with sun light? And literally killing people"

Quackity:"okay loser,I don't kill people I bite them so they get lightheaded and pass out,after that they don't remember shit,and those other two things are pretty easy to avoid"
Karl:"do you like garlic?"
Quackity:"wdym do I like garlic ofcourse I like garlic,everyone likes garlic"
Karl:"but your a vampire?"
Quackity:"well yeah but still,garlic is great"
Karl:"hm...would you rather be something else then a a werewolf..or a human?.."
Quackity:"I actually like's pretty neat"
He smiled as he went over to Karl and gave him the tea.he drank it,it was nice.

Karl:"thank you.."
Quackity:"don't sweat it man"
Karl chuckled.
He just stood there awkwardly as Karl drank the tea.
Karl:"hey what's your deal man?"
He said as he looked up at him.
Quackity:"what? Oh's just that...
You're's kinda distracting.."
Karl blushed,like a lot.

Quackity:"are we friends?.."
Karl:"yeah,I mean we hung out a few times I think that makes us friends"
Quackity:"good because...I was always a bit shy to talk to you.."
Karl:"why's that?"
Quackity:"uh were so rich and nice..and funny...I was always kind of nervous to talk to a person like you.."
This was both weird and awesome.
Karl:" are you saying?.."

Quackity:"nothing! I'm just..yk..making conversation..I really admired you.."
He said flushed as he scratched the back of his head.
Karl put down his chamomile tea and stood up,before the vampire could ask what was wrong karl took his face and kissed him.he hesitated but eventually gave in.a few moments later karl pulled away.
Quackity:"don't be sorry...thanks"
Karl smiled.i really shouldn't have done that.

Quackity:"oh I almost forgot,when do you have to go home? I know you rich people have tight curfews or something"
Karl:"oh don't worry no one knows I'm here,I should probably leave tho..I don't wanna be a burden.."
Quackity:"no it's fine,stay if you want,rlly"
Karl:"well thanks...we you sure?"
Quackity:"yeah,you can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch,your welcome to come to town with me tomorrow if you want"
Karl:"Yes!! FUN"

Quackity laughed.he gave Karl some spare pajamas he had and waited outside for him to change.when he was done Quackity helped him make the bed.
Quackity:"anddd we're done!"
He smiled.
Karl:"you don't know how much this means to me...thank you"
Quackity:"it's not a problem at all"
He swerved over to the couch and laid down and Karl laid down on the bed.
They cut the lights and fell asleep.

Time skip (3 AM)(Little Bonus)

Karl woke up around 2 hours after he fell asleep.he slowly opened his eyes and looked around the dark room,he saw Quackity under a blanket with the light of his laptop shining.Karl sat up and tiredly walked over to him.once he was standing next to him Quackity looked up.
Quackity:"oh sorry Karl did I wake you or somet-"

He said as he put off his headphones.
Karl just got under the blanket next to him and snuggled up to him.Quackity blushed and watched as he sleepily put his head on his shoulder and hands around his arm.
He smiled and gave him a headphone.
Now they were watching total drama island together,even tho Karl almost instantly fell asleep.

It's mosquito season😢

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now