Slowly falling inlove (karlity)

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Karl x Quackity
Song: Juliet - cavetown

Karl and Quackity were having dinner with the others.they were at some kind of fancy restaurant outside,they joked around until Sapnap,dream and George went to get some more bread,leaving Karl and Quackity together.

Quackity was talking about his law school stuff and Karl was listening,usually when someone was taking to him directly he'd get distracted very easily,he'd think about something completely different,suddenly something else moving would become more interesting,or he'd start fidgeting with hands.
But something was different.

Quackity stopped talking.
Quackity:"what? Sorry am I boring you?.."
Karl:"no no,I just realized something...yk whenever someone talks to me I get distracted easily..but not with you"
Quackity blushed.
Karl:"I mean like I can really focus on you..
I like listening to you...your very....idk you make everything u say so interesting.."
He said it as if it were nothing.

Quackity:"wow...thanks Karl"
Karl smiled nervously,wondering if what he said was a little Or sus or whatever.
Karl:"um I'm sorry was that weird?.."
Quackity:"no no no! I actually really appreciate it man"
Karl nodded.
The others soon came back and they all finished their dinner.Karl was bringing Quackity to his now it was raining pretty heavily,the two boys were trying to figure out where their hotel was since they were in the middle of Britain somewhere.

The people here talked like they were all in a cult.Karl was holding the map while Quackitys eyes got lost in the red busses passing by while face timing George.
the rain was pretty annoying,Wait...wait why did it stop? He looked around to see Karl hold an umbrella over Quackity,he just stood there like he wasn't soaking wet.

Karl looked up at him and saw that he was on face time with George.he waved and flashed a smile before going back to the map.Quackity was mesmerized,it was so sweet,he blushed and didn't even say anything.
George said over the phone knocking him out of his thoughts.
Quackity:"fUcK oFf yeA" he said in a British accent.

Karl:"I think we're supposed to take the next bus,we'll be in front of the hotel"
Quackity:"wait it was that easy?"
Karl:"yeah I googled it idk why I didn't think of that in the first place..I mean who even uses maps anymore??"
Quackity scoffed.the bus arrived around two minutes and they got in.Quackity obviously hung up on George since he was way to loud to be in a bus.Karl looked he was literally about to sleep.

He leaned his head on Quackitys shoulder.
Quackity put his head on his before holding up his right headphone.Karl smiled and put it they were both in the quiet bus in Britain,listening to "EVERYTHING" together while it was raining.

it was one of those moments you'd fall in love in.but it got better,Karl put his hand on Quackitys,accident or not it made him have butterflies.they continued to drive for around 30 minutes before they got there.

Quackity:"hey..Karl wake up we're here"
Karl:"" he said still mostly asleep.
Quackity:"Karl" he said softly,karl wasn't getting up so Quackity did,he stood up and picked up Karl.he carried him out of the bus and into the hotel like bride and groom.once he got into his hotel room he took of their shoes and tucked Karl into bed.

Quackity put on his night wear and got into bed too,close enough to feel Karl's body heat,but leaving enough space for it to be completely normal.he looked at Karl who was still sleeping,he smiled to himself.
Shit he's so pretty..
He turned of the light and went to bed.
"Good night Alex..."
"...Good night karl"

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now