Camping (karlity)

996 12 15

Karl x Quackity
Song: looking out for you - joy again
Thank u for the request: Xxsnowgaming123xX
It's my first time doing a request I think,so I hope it's not too bad👍

Karl and Quackity were in their car driving to the woods to go camping.
Quackity:"karlllllll why are we doing thisss"
He whined.
Karl:"cmon I promise it'll be fun!"
Quackity:"no it won't,it'll be dark and wet and there are bugs everywhere-"
Karl:"do not mention the bugs please.."
He sighed.

Quackity:"there will be bugssss and slugs and spider-"
Quackity sat back up.
Quackity:"fine whatever.."
Karl:"look we don't have to go,if you want we can just turn ar-"
Quackity:"no no no I'm kidding"
Karl rolled his eyes.
Quackity:"I swear,look"
Karl looked at him as he got something out of his backpack.

Quackity:"marshmallows" he smiled.
Karl scoffed,so fucking cute.
Karl:"you do know how to charm me"
Quackity:"yes and that's why I'm the best boyfriend ever"
Karl laughed.
A few minutes later they finally arrived at the campsite,karl and Quackity got out and went into the woods,karl held the flash light while Quackity held his hand.

Karl:"we're here! Let's make some fire first"
Quackity:"I know how to do that!"
Karl smiled.
Karl:"I'll help :)"
They laid down the sticks and stones together and set them on fire.Lighting,check
They got some logs they could sit on so they did.

Karl:"we should set up the tent before the fire goes out"
Quackity:"nooooo I'm hungry let's make s'mores"
Karl:"do you even know how to set up a tent?" He scoffed.
He got the marshmallows and the other stuff to make s'mores for him and Quack.
Karl:"the things I do for you.."
Quackity smiled.

They made s'mores and talked so more until the fire died out a bit.
Karl:"fuck,the fire's dying..I'll get some wood and you build the tent"
Quackity:"no!- I'll get it it's fine,you build the tent"
Karl:"hm..alright..take the flashlight and don't forget your phone,be safe"
He said as he tossed him the stuff and kissed his forehead.
Quackity:"I willlllllll"
Karl:"mhm alright"
He snarled before Quackity went to go find some sticks and stones.

Karl tried his best to keep the fire going with what he had while setting up the tent.
When he was done he sat down for another 10 minutes before he started to worry.
"It's been 30 minutes...where is he?"
He said to himself.he decided to grab his flashlight and search for him.
"Q? Quackityyyyy!! Where are you!!"
He shouted.
"Karl? KARL!"
He knew that voice,he followed the sound and eventually found Quackity.

He was tied up in vines against a tree.
Karl:"holy fuck!"
He crouched down and started untying him.
Karl:"what the hell happened??"
Quackity:" I was getting wood when I fell down and fucking got tangled in these dumb vines.."
Karl:"shit...tied up,kinky"
Quackity:"oh fuck off"
They laughed.
Karl:"I'm kidding,here,get up...only your special enough to look for wood and end up tied against a tree.."
He said as he helped him up.
Quackity picked up the stuff he gathered before going back to their camp site with karl leading the way.

He awed at the tent.Karl scoffed.
Karl:"neat right?"
Quackity:"yea ur soooooo stronggg~"
He said dramatically clinging on to his arm.
Karl:"yea I know,I hope it's not to cramped for both of us.."
Quackity:"Let's hope it is~"
Karl:"I hate you"
They went inside and left their shoes outside.
Karl:"hm,it's okay? Imagine if we were still best friends and we had to sleep in here.."
Quackity:"that would get me so excited"
Karl:"..I'm what way?~"
Quackity:"get your mind out of the gutter"
He said before kissing him.

Quackity got on Karl's lap and they continued to make out.
Karl:"w-what are you doing?~"
Quackity:"isn't this what we came here to do~"
Karl:"I mean...i wanted us to spend time together"
Quackity pulled away,Karl looked a bit worried.
Quackity:"oh...we are?"
Karl:"I know it's just..I wanted this to be special.."
Quackity frowned.

Quackity:"I didn't mean to...yk..make it any less special.."
Karl looked at him,he could tell he was worried now too.
Karl:"fuck it,let's just make out"
He smiled before flipping Quackity and getting on top of him.
Quackity:"mh~ fine with me~.."
They continued to "fool around" until they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

I hope this wasn't to bad💀

Karlity 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜𓆈Where stories live. Discover now