Prologue : Lee Minho

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PrologueLee Minho

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Lee Minho

"It's Lee Minho!"

I continued breathing heavily as my name got called, announcing me as the winner in this final round. I don't mind the blood gushing out from the side of my bruised lips as long as I keep my record.

After the hassle, I walked outside the abandoned building that's near the park. It's already five in the afternoon and this is the time where I either go to the club or go back home to do nothing. However, I stopped when I caught a glimpse of someone not really far away from me.

She tripped then fell to the ground. She immediately stood up and brushed off the dirt from her clothes. She noticed the blood on her knees making her look around to see if something or someone could help her. I frowned my face when I saw her picking out the leaves of a guava tree at the side of road. Her wavy hair bounces at the process every time she pulls out a leaf. Afterwards, she put it on the wound in her knees.

I don't understand why she did that because for me it's such a dumb move. She could've just go home to give it a proper treamtment. Nevertheless, she looked like she's about to cry. Tsk. Such an easy pain to endure.

I went home while that scene still stuck inside my mind. I let out a groan then went inside my room to rest.

My glorious days as an underground fighter suddenly came to a hault when a newbie came. I watched as he took down several fighters who came first before him. Most of us were amazed by his skills saying that he almost has the same skills as mine. I scoffed after hearing that.

One day, I walked out of the abandoned building again where we held the underground fights. I saw the same girl in the park, wearing a little bagpack while holding a paperbag. Her uniform is the same as the school I'm going to. Maybe she's one of my schoolmate but I failed to see her in the campus.

Her eyes twinkled and her smile widens when the newbie came running towards her from the other side of the street. They even hugged and the guy kissed her forehead.

"Mom is gonna scold us later! It's already six in the afternoon. Today's her day off so we should go home now." I heard her voice even though I'm far from them.

Siblings, huh?

Her brother pulled her and they started walking. However, she turn her head to the side making eye contact with me. Her eyes narrowed and her mouth fell slightly agaped. I also noticed her cheeks getting red. I glared at her making her eyes widen and look away while fiddling with her fingers.

I shrugged it off and just minded my own business.

"Minho," one of the guys patted my shoulder when I found myself with them inside the club.

"I have an idea how to get rid of that bastard." He stated, chuckling afterwards.

I raised a brow at him before drinking the bottle of vodka. "I can finish him myself." I scoffed, thinking about that newbie.

"But I want to help you maintain your record as the best underground fighter." He laughed, slightly punching my arm afterwards.

I let out a bitter scoff before glaring at him. "I don't need any help." I muttered.

A few weeks later, I was at the campus when I received a phone call. I immediately answered it before slinging my bag on my back.

"What do you want?" I mumbled, cold.

"Say thank you to me, Lee Minho. He's gone now." He chuckled, evily that it sent shivers down my spine.

I suddenly noticed some students running towards outside the school campus. I have a bad feeling about this so I hurriedly made my way out and what I saw made me gulp and nervous for the first time.

I saw how the girl cried, not because of her wounds but because of her dear brother laying on the road, lifeless. She cried while hugging her dear brother. It made my heart broke.

So this is what that bastard meant when he said he'll get rid of this newbie. This is too much and I fucking hate the fact that this naive girl has no idea why and what was the cause of this incident.

A few months after, the bubbly and happy girl I always admired from afar, changed. She's not going to the park anymore. If so, it's only on Saturday mornings. She's always pouting and sulking. I never saw her smile or laugh again for a while after the death of her brother.

I started blaming myself. I fucking hate myself for being so vocal about how I hated that newbie when he first came. Now I regret involving myself into this stupid underground fights.

The girl transfered to another nearby school now that she's in her senior in highschool. I followed her. I transfered too. I plan to look after her now that she's all alone. When she met her two loud friends in that school, I was relieved. At least she's not that lonely anymore.

One day I heard that she got a crush on me. I scoffed as my reaction. She's stupid. She's fucking stupid for having a stupid crush on me. If only she knows.

"What are you going to do with it? I mean you have tons of girls chasing after you but this one is exceptional. I mean no offense to other girls out there but she's not like the others who scream and touch you whenever you go near them." Felix asked.

"She also seems shy and instead of getting your attention, she walks away when you're near." Hyunjin muttered.

"She's stupid." I spat out making both of my friends look at me with a glare.

"I don't want her. She's young and that feeling she has for me will surely fade away in no time." I said.

"What if the time come she's got no feelings for you and then you realized you truly want her?" Felix asked making me silent.

"I don't and I will never." I answered.

I looked away and then accidentaly got an eye contact with her from afar. She's holding a frappe in her hand while sulking with I don't know reason. The moment she realized we're staring at each other, her cheeks blushed and at the same time, she looked away.

When she faced the side, her shoulder bumped onto a group of girls making her fall to the ground. Her two friends helped her to stand back up.

"Stupid." I mumbled underneath my breath before getting her off of my mind.

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