003 : My Help

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Chapter 3My Help

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Chapter 3
My Help

Later that day.

I sighed for the nth time while reminiscing the scene I caused earlier in front of my crush. I keep on playing with my pencil for nearly an hour now because I can't find my pen anywhere. It's not even inside my bag.

I glanced over the clock and it's currently 8 in the evening. Mom is not here yet. She usually goes home at 10 or 11, sometimes at midnight when she works overtime. I sometimes thought of applying for a part time job to help her sustain the both of our needs. But school is just so hectic.

And the teachers always give too many assignments for I don't know reason.

I opened my window that directs to the roof of our house balcony. So, whenever I'm having a hard time, I just go out the window and lay on the floor, watching the stars. I inhaled the fresh but cold air that's coming inside my room from outside. The sky is clear and it's cold outside which is definitely the perfect time to eat ramen.

I went towards the kitchen but found no cup noodles nor a single ramen. So, I decided to go out and buy a few. I grabbed my nigh coat and furry bunny slippers before heading outside.

After a few minutes, I already got a paper bag with a few ramen inside. I yawned as I feel my drowsiness going in my system. I need to eat ramen before I sleep. I just have to!

When nearing home, I noticed a silhouette of three persons. It looked like it's searching for something or someone. I don't know. I just continued walking pass them but one guy approached me.

"Do you know someone with brown hair and few bruises on his face?" He asked, putting his hand on his pocket.

"Uhm.. I do know someone. I just know I have a schoolmate that looks like the one you're describing to." I answered.

He stepped closer making me step back but my back bumped towards another person that's behind me. "Did you see him in this area?" He asked.

I shook my head nervously. "N-no. Why?"

"If you see him tell him that we're waiting." He muttered, scoffing.

"O-okay.." I replied.

The guy nods his head and gave a signal to me that I should go. I walked away, glancing at them from time to time to ensure that they weren't following me.

I don't know who are those guys. But I have a bad feeling about them. Are they taking about Lee Minho? Are they searching for him? If so, why?

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