031 : Forgiven

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Chapter 31Forgiven

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Chapter 31

I rubbed my eyes the moment I entered my house. Minho was behind me, also stepping inside. The whole house was quiet until Dori came running towards me out of nowhere.

"Dori, I'm sorry I left you." I mumbled and picked him up, rubbing my forehead against his. "Thank goodness I left you some food." I continued.

"You left Dori alone here?" Minho asked, raising a brow. I nodded my head and put Dori down.

"I forgot to leave him to my cousin because I thought that Sean was waiting for me for too long." I answered, honestly.

Minho raised a brow and walked towards me with his crossing arms. I glanced away and walked towards one corner to refill Dori's plate with cat food. Dori purrs before eating the cat food I served him.

I looked back to Minho and saw him looking at his watch. "Are you not going home? It's almost late in the evening." I glanced over the clock on the wall and saw that it's now 10:25 in the evening.

I heard him heaved a deep sigh before speaking. "Are you alone here? It seems very quiet and no one else is around." He asked, seriously.

I shook my head repeatedly. "M-my cousin is living with me for the meantime. She will be home soon." I lied and looked down.

He remained quiet and all I could hear was his tired sigh. I felt him reached for my cheeks and started caressing it softly. "Are you sure?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

I nodded my head as a response. "I think I need to take a half bath. Before you leave, I want to show you something." I mumbled.

Minho looked at me with his confused eyes. "Alright. I'll be waiting here." He answered.

I showed a slight smile and walked upstairs while I left him in the sala. I quickly made my way towards the bathroom and took a warm half bath. I wore my shorts and pink spaghetti strap sando. I gulped when I stared at myself through the reflection in the mirror.

I'm going to tell Minho about the surgery I got. I want to tell him because it was the main reason why I needed to leave him. I hope he'll understand. I hope he won't dislike me for this.

I made my way downstairs and the surrounding was seemingly quiet. I glanced over Minho and noticed his sleepy state. He was sitting on the sofa, his arms crossed while leaning his head on his own shoulder. I smiled a bit and decided to make some coffee for the two of us first before waking him up.

My movement was slow and quiet because I don't want to make some noise even just for the slightest. I might wake him up. I was stirring the coffee with a spoon at the counter while my thoughts were wandering. I sighed and was about to turn around when I felt two pairs of arms around my waist.

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