014 : Between Us

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Chapter 14Between Us

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Chapter 14
Between Us

It's been a two weeks after what happened. I haven't seen nor encounter one of those thugs in the past days and I feel relieved about it. I wonder what Minho did to stop them. I sighed for the nth time and found myself tying my hair into a ponytail.

"Maybe the camping site is near by the beach. You can sneak out and join beach parties." Fawn rolled her eyes and looked at Meiya who's been whining ever since we got inside the campus.

It didn't stop Meiya from whining and making stressed expression on her face. "Ugh! I still don't understand why this trip needs to be mandatory!"

"It's some sort of a farewell trip. The graduation is by next week." I explained.

I sighed when I realized that time fled fast. I still don't know if I'll go for the designing course. The tuition fee for that major is not affordable for a person like me. Plus, I haven't got a university in mind that I could apply to.

"Right!" Meiya sarcastically retorted. "Anyways, did you apply already to any university?" She asked, making me glance away.

"I applied for a few. Nothing is confirmed yet. I haven't got a call." Fawn answered. Meiya sighed and replied, "Me too."

"How about you, (Y/N)?" Meiya tugged on my shoulder.

"Already." I lied, nodding my head.

I found myself sitting beside Fawn on the bus and staring outside by the closed window. Meiya chose to be with our other classmates that shares the same interest with her — partying. We didn't mind since she's the one who insisted it.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated and it the screen turned on. It shows an unknown number calling. I hesitated at first but I ended up answering the call.

"Hello.." I mumbled.

"Are you already in the bus? Who's with you? You're sitting next to a female, right?" I heard his familiar voice from fhe other line.

I blinked a few times before answering. "Y-yes . . ." my voice nearly became a whisper.

"Good. When you arrive to the campsite, blend in with your classmates and don't go somewhere just by yourself." Minho said, sighing. "If you want to check out some places, tell me."

"Thank you. But, no need. I'm with my friends." I replied.

I heard him clicking his tongue and some background noises, probably from his classmates. "It is needed." He remarked.

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