Filler chapter

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Konohamaru was reading something in his bed. He was not wearing a shirt and sat on his bed all day reading a book. I couldn't see the cover of the book to know what it is..but I'd like to know..

I was doing the laundry (mine and his). I was picking up his dirty clothes in a basket and picked it up to wash them in the washing machine. His sudden reading habit quite disturbed me because he wasn't the type to be academic all of a sudden. So I kept the basket down.

I stood at the bed post and glanced at him. He stared at me back. We stared into each other's souls for so long that he tilted his head like a kitten towards me. (Probably a ruse to not have me pick up whatever mischief he was upto).

I walked towards him and took his blankets off. I snatched the book from him and it was titled "A Teenager's guide to a Woman's skirt" by Jiraiya the Sannin. I touched the book to find some dirty adult content in it. I looked at him and warned:


He smiled nervously.

"He he he. It's nothing Onee-sama. It's a very educational book."

"Really? Then how does it involve skirts and panties? Hmm..? This book is for teenagers. And you're not one."

"Well..I live with a woman. Can't help it if I researched on how to handle one, can I?"

"YOU don't need to handle me..I can handle myself quite well, thank you very much."

"Can you..give it back?" He slowly asked

"No. I'm taking this with me. You're too young to read it."

"Give it."


"Give it Nee-sama." He asked with a bit warning.

"Dame desu, Aka-chan. You're too young."

He came towards me to snatch it but I kept the book away from him.

Then he turned to me and whispered, "If you don't, I'll steal all your underwear."

"I can't let you do that, Aka.."

"Listen to me, Onna.. If you don't give me that book..I swear I will do it."

"We'll see about that, you brat"


I took the clothes out of the drying line and tried to fold them. I looked in it to find that most of my undergarments and bra were missing.
That little brat!

I ran to the living room where he sat on the couch reading his Academy textbook.

"Where are my panties, you brat?"

He looked at me and back to the book as if nothing happened.

"I don't know.."

I held him by the collar and said "Listen to me gaki, if you don't tell me where they are I'm gonna tell the Hokage and Asuma about-"

"What you gonna tell? That I stole your panties and bra? Do you have the guts to tell them that?" He said with a smug smile on his face.

"Why you little-"

"Leave me alone Nee-sama..I have some studying to do."

"Urgh!" And I stomped out of the room


I needed my underwear back! I tried my summoning powers to bring them out. But for some reason..they aren't working. This quite strange.

I tried looking everywhere. His bedroom, underneath his bed, his drawer, everywhere. I couldn't find it anywhere.

Until I went to him with a plan.

"Aka..we need to talk."

He asked smugly, "Planning to give me my book back?"

"Instead, I'd like to make a deal. I'll let you do anything you like with me. And you won't do something like that to another"

"You want me to do..pervy stuff on you?" He asked.

"Not really. But I want to ensure that you won't disturb another girl like how you do with me. It's the least I can do. Reading that book will only let you make trouble for other girls."

"So I can read that book..."

"Yes." I said giving him the book helplessly.

"But you don't want me to do anything to other girls."


"Would you be jealous if I did?" He asked smugly.

"I have no thoughts regarding what you do with other girls. Nor do I care. But as a fellow maiden user I must protect them."

"Oh. Ok" He said smiling mischievously.


"Hey Kali, why do you have red marks on top of your breasts?" Anko asked while I was going to the grocery store.

"I'm gonna kill that brat.." I whispered.

Kalāra's Adventures With Konohamaru (A semi-Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now