Chapter 22

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"Oh that's because we had a contract that said that we won't do anything that would make me a not a celibate.." I said.

"How do you not become a celibate?" Konohamaru asked curiously.

"Um..uh.." I was stumbled on how to answer that question to a 7 year old kid.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"By..uh..having kids?" I ventured.

"How do you have kids?" The brute asked.

Oh no.'m not gonna go through this shit again!

I blushed "You'll know it when you grow up!!"

"But I AM GROWN UP.." He whined.

"Nope. Not yet. You'll know it from someone else." I tried to tell him

"Just how are you a pervert, if you don't know how kids are made.." I mumbled

But the prick heard me and answered, "He he he..I just know how to easily nag a woman. I follow my instincts. Besides, Naruto nii-chan taught me some tips.."

Firstly, I need to kill Uncle Abigore for making me suffer from this gaki's perversion. Marked it "Important" on my to-do list.

"Ne, Onee-sama..your white hair disappears when you blush. I think you become younger when you blush." He said, looking at me dreamily.

What an intelligent kid..

"Smart of you to notice. I also become old when I get angry. So you better be careful, not to ruin my health." I said warning him.

"I won't. I think I like you like this."

My heart skipped a little at that.

Wait a second.

"You need to stop flirting with me, you know. My husband wouldn't like it if another man is trying to woo his wife." I told him.

"Nah.. your husband is totally fine with this." He said smiling.

"How is that so? Are you him?" I asked jokingly.

But what he said next made me raise my eyebrow.

"Hmm..I think he is closer than you think." He said.

"..What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Nah. Just kidding, Nee-sama.. Anyway I'm gonna go to sleep. I wonder if nii-chan is staying safe.. Oyasuminasai." And he went yawning, downstairs to the apartment to sleep.

"..I wonder what he meant." I asked myself.


"Kalāra-san, over here"

Anko waved at me as she called me towards a dining booth in a barbecue restaurant. Most of the Jounin leaders were there, including Asuma and Kakashi.

Anko invited me to eat with the Jounin squad for lunch. I was quite nervous on how to act around them.

"This is Kalāra Pristine. She is a fellow veteran assassin assigned to protect the Hokage's grandson. She was the one who uh.. detected that snake-bastard in the Chunnin exams. Kampai!!" She said as she drank a glass of sake.

Wha- how?

"Come sit with us" The lady with the red eyes and black long hair invited me warmly.

"Arigato. Ano.. Anko-san.. aren't you supposed to be at the Chunnin exams." I asked worried.

"I am. I came here to eat my lunch and I will be going back there. He he he.." Anko giggled.

I thought to learn their names through telepathy, but went against it.

"Oh and you know..we know that you are a gifted queen goddess . Asuma told us." She winked at me.

Or not.

I stared at Asuma-san.

"Sorry..she forced it out of me" Asuma apologized.

"Oi oi Anko..go easy on the sake. You have an exam to scrutinize" said the guy with the blue headscarf.

"Is it ok for royalty to sit with us?" The lady with the red eyes said.

"No no. I'm absolutely fine with it. I love sitting with you guys." I said with a smile.

"Yosh! I guess introductions are needed. I AM MIGHT GUY!! And I am a Taijutsu specialist who believes in the spirit of Youth!" Said the guy with the bowl-hair cut

"he he he.." I nervously laughed. Is this dude for real? Are all Jounin this eccentric?

"I'm Kurenai Yuhi. A Genjutsu specialist."

" must be Asuma-san's girlfr- I mean friend" I said, getting a wavy "shut-up" warning from Asuma.

"And I'm Kakashi Hatake. We met in the supermarket."

Kalāra's Adventures With Konohamaru (A semi-Naruto fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα