Chapter 10

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"For what have you called me, Hiruzen?"

Danzo was summoned into the Kage's room.

"That's Hokage-sama to you.."

Then several ANBU came in armed and aimed their katanas at Shimura.

"What is the meaning of this?"


I came towards Hokage-san and gave him a letter.

"This is a letter from the missing-nin Itachi Uchiha. He has testified to every horrifying secrets on what the ROOT organization has done on the time of the Uchiha masaccare. He also claims that YOU-" pointing to Danzo. "Danzo.. has ordered him to murder his own clan. Are these statements true..?"

"That little-"

"So it is.."

"I shall not stand for this- OW!"

The Hokage straight out punched him in the face. I blinked like an idiot.

"That's for threatening my grandson."

I guess for a pacifist, the Hokage does stands up for his family.

"Danzo are banned from entering Konoha. Leave this place and never return!" The Hokage roared.

The ANBU took him out of the room.

I got angry, "Banned..? Why can't we execute him?"

"Itachi told me not to.."

"And I thought you were the Hokage" I rolled my eyes.

"Child, he has his reasons...besides I'm not the type to execute my prisoners..and Itachi gave you a letter"

He gave me a scroll with a message written in my language.

" Little one,

I'm so glad to hear from you..I hope you are safe at Konoha. I came to tell you that I got my reincarnation powers back. But I won't be using them in this world. I did used them to find out about our family and I've found out their identities.

I know you are going to be angry when you hear that Danzo will only be banned. The thing is he is an incarnation as I am. And he is not to be killed by the executioner's hands. Your father is fated to kill him. And you must allow that to happen.

You'll realise about the identities when you get your scythe back. Death Scythe never forgets and can fastly retrieve that information.

I'm also sorry to tell that I won't be coming back to Konoha as a ninja. What I did to your father for killing the clan is quite unforgivable and I must pay the price for it by dying by his hands. I know you'll be sad by this and you should know that emotions must never interfere in our mission. Remember what you came to do. I'll always love you."

Your Uncle,

"Uncle Amnesté.."

He is gonna sacrifice himself for the clan. For his brother. I wished I could interfere. But as a goddess all I can do is watch.

In the paper I keep seeing a mirage like brown marks that keep going on at light and off when placed in front of an opaque object. I placed the letter in the light to find that there were a few numbers on the paper hidden.

" 2,1,12,20,8,1,26,1,18 "

I tried to decipher it and found out that it refers to a name.

I dropped the paper..


Wait..Is Amnesté Oji-san trying to tell me that that Shimura is the incarnation of Balthazar?

I get it. I already killed that man in his previous life. Now, it's my father's turn to kill him.

"You alright my dear?"

"Yeah..I was pretty shocked when you flat out punched him in the face."

"Ha ha ha..I was too. Nobody messes with my family or you my dear."

"Thank you for taking care of this, Hokage-san"

"My pleasure.."

I reluctantly said, "I think there is something you should know.. about Danzo..He is not whom I thought of him.."

"Are you saying he didn't commit a crime?" He questioned.

"No sir. It's not that. Itachi Oji-san..he revealed a code to me. A secret message regarding Danzo."

"What is it?"

"Danzo is the reincarnation of the man who ordered to kill my clan."

Kalāra's Adventures With Konohamaru (A semi-Naruto fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant