Chapter 12

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"Ok aka, let's go to this supermarket." I said hiding from them.

Konohamaru noticing the danger ahead replied, "Ok."

We sneaked inside the supermarket and past the goods aisle.

"Phew. That was close." He said.

"No aka. They're coming this way." I alarmed him.


"You go deal with them and I'll buy the groceries. Keep this ring. It's a tracker. It'll vibrate when I signal you that my shopping is over."


It was like a stealth mission. Hiding from my uncle, my dad and my possible aunt/mom. I'm a goddess. It's my responsibility to not tamper with their course of life.

"Naruto nii-chan! What are you doing in the supermarket?" Konohamaru was in the entrance aisle. I stood behind the groceries aisle, out of their sight.

"Hey Konohamaru, I'm here cause, Sakura wants to buy some goods for her parents. We just finished a D-rank mission of catching the runaway cat. It was a stupid mission."

" He he he..yeah.. they are very boring."

"But hey. What are you doing here? I saw you with a black dressed lady. Who is she?"

"Oh her? She is just my caretaker. Jiji sent her from the ANBU guys."

"Oh. Well anyway.."


"Now let's see..rice, mushroom, eggs..hmm I think we have eggs..we need more tofu, scallions and seaweed for the miso soup..." I said.

"Excuse me?" Someone said.

"Yes?" I turned my head sideways to find Kakashi Hatake staring at me.

Oh shit. Oh shit. I'm screwed.

I read about Kakashi through the Telepathic pathways of Konoha to know that he is the sensei of Team 7. Uncle's and Dad's team.

"I heard from the Hokage's grandson that you're from the that true?"

That little idiot!

"He must have mistaken. I'm actually assigned by the Hokage to look after him."

"Oh" He said.

"Yeah. Kids these days like to think big of things. What can I say?" I laughed.

No stress, Kali. This is not your first rodeo.

"Well I guess, I'll see you around ma'am.." He said

"Good day, sir.." I finally fended him off.

Phew. Crisis averted.

"Now let me get the goods and find that idiot."


"..So yeah, we will be having the Chunnin exams in the coming days. I hope it's exciting." Naruto said

"It's gonna be filled with dangerous tasks, dobe" Sasuke said.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, TEME??" Naruto angered.

"STOP FIGHTING YOU IDIOT!!" Sakura punched him on the head.

Naruto tearfully replied. "Sakura-chan.."

"Settle down you guys.." Kakashi arrived on the scene.

It was fun to watch them from a distance. It's better this way.

I signalled Konohamaru through Technopathy by making the tracker vibrate.

Konohamaru got the message.

"I gotta go. Bye Naruto nii-chan." He said.

"Take care, Konohamaru." Naruto said.

I waited outside the supermarket for him and he stood next to me.

"Let's go Onee-sama." He said.


"What the heck were you thinking telling them that I was from ANBU. Their sensei was from ANBU too, you dolt. He would have figured that I was a foreigner." I scolded him

"Gomei Onee-sama. I couldn't think of anything else at that time." He apologized.

"Ok. So let's see what should I make. Hmm.." i wondered.

"How about something from your world, Nee-sama..?" He requested.

"I guess I'll just make some rice, fried mushrooms and miso soup." I finalized.

Konohamaru protested "Why can't you make food of your own place Nee-chan?"

"Did you know that we spirit gods rarely ate food?" I asked him

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes. But the super gods, the ones who gets worshipped ate a food called ambrosia and drank a drink called nectar."


"Yes, but we eat human food out of enjoyment. To savour the taste. I should tell you that we used to have very skilled men in food cuisines in my home."

"Who were they?" He asked.

"My father and my uncle Amnesté. Their dishes are beyond compare, I'll tell you."

Kalāra's Adventures With Konohamaru (A semi-Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now