Chapter 29

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"Aw..that's harsh..and what did she say?" Konohamaru asked.

"Well.." I said


" should concentrate on your studies, ya know. It's such a sad thing that you can't find a girl in your own class to date, since all the girls are older than you.." The sandy-haired gangster said smugly.

"Why you-" and then she kissed him on the forehead.

He blushed a thousand roses at that.

"Well..I don't mind dating you.. gotta go, bye." And she disappeared from that spot.


"Aww..that is so sweet of her.." Konohamaru said.

"Sweet? You have no idea the type of person my grandmother was. She was a pervert like you." I laughed.

"Heh..?" He exclaimed.

"Yeah. But not the type of girly pervert who takes pictures of muscled men and giggles. But a tomboyish pervert who would do stuff to embarrass my grandfather and make him blush a lot. But she only did those stuff after she married him. Before that she just hung around with him, protecting him like how I protected you." I smiled.

"She seems like a really cool person. How can I meet her?" He asked.

"Unfortunately you can't Aka..she died with the rest of the Botticelli family. She was a very powerful woman. A dignified Queen of Kathedral. No one could compare to her brilliance."

"Ne ne. What happened after they met? He asked.

He started rubbing my back with the lotion and thankfully the story kept him from doing anything perverted.

"Well, they were fated to come together when grandma's gangster days were causing her to lose her grades. The principal asked Grandfather to tutor her as he was a smart student who skipped some years. That's why grandma mocked him for not having girls to date. At first he refused..then he was forced to teach her."

"Grandma was quite cooperative with the tutoring and she improved a lot. But then she started noticing that grandfather was covering his arms when people are around. She asked him about it but he said nothing. And then she used clairvoyance on him to understand that his older sister was abusing him." I said.

"She asked him, "Where is she?" And he tried to stop her. But she took his hand and went to his house. She asked my grandaunt for a duel for my grandfather's hand in marriage. He was surprised to hear that she'd suggest that. My grandaunt being a witch and martial artist herself fought a duel with grandmother. It was a very long duel. Until Grandma defeated grandaunt. Grandaunt disappeared and left that place. Seeing that grandfather didn't have anyone or anywhere to live with, Grandma invited him to live with her. They lived together and had sex only after marriage. Grandmother waited for grandpa to come of age."

"Ohh..." Konohamaru said.

"Yeah.." I told him.

"So your grandparents are like us."

"If you're talking about the age difference then yes, she was older than him. But comparatively, our difference is bigger than theirs." I said to him.


"What about you?" I asked

"Huh?" He said.

"Your family, Aka" I asked.

" parents died when I was a baby. They were a part of ANBU. My dad was the Hokage's son. And they both served my grandfather."

"Oh." I said.

"This blue scarf actually belonged to my mother. My grandfather gave it to me when I was 5. I wear it to stay close to her." He said.

"I know."

"What? How?"

"I inherited my grandmother's clairvoyance, ya know. When I touched you, I understood the significance of your scarf quite already." I said.

"Oh" He said

"I wished we both could meet each other's families." I said.

"They'd probably scold us for having a relationship." He said.

"That, they would." I said.

"But that would be hypocritical considering the fact that they too had a similar relationship." He reasoned.

"Did you know my parents were like that?"


"Yeah. But they were only months apart. They were born on the same year."


"Anyway..we should wash up. Can't stay in the water for too long. It's not healthy." I said

"Yeah." He said.

Kalāra's Adventures With Konohamaru (A semi-Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now