Chapter 28

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We reached back home on Monday evening. The whole week was a holiday because of the Chunnin tournament arrangements. We thought of spending the whole week camping but decided against it since it would rouse suspicion among the Hokage and Asuma.

We got into the apartment and Aka started pleading me to pick him up. I picked him up on my hips and started keeping our stuff on several places.

"Bedroom.. bedroom.." he said like a child wanting candy from a store.

"We need to bathe Aka. we're muddy at the moment."

"Then let's bathe together.." He giggled.

"No. I think I'll bathe you." I said motherly.

"But I'm not a gaki, Mama.." he whined

"You may do whatever weird stuff with me. But in my eyes you're my baby. Now come on. Get your towel and clothes and go to the tub. I'll come by now." I said.

He pouted and went to get his stuff.

I smiled at that and went to my get my clothes as well. But I didn't tell him. I never bathed with someone else before so it was a weird experience for me.

I entered the bathroom in a towel securely wrapped around my chest. It reached to my knees. Konohamaru-aka was surprised to see me in a towel and smiled at me in triumph saying "Yes!".

We both got into the tub of water and it was pretty awkward for both of us.

"Turn around" I said.

He turned around and placed his head between my breasts and relaxed a bit.

"Don't even think about removing my towel. I wore some underwear underneath it"

"God you're such a bore, Mama. Why would you do that..?" He said laughing.

"You insolent gaki!" And I start tickling him.

"Stop..Mama..that tickles.." he said in the middle of the tickling.

"Ok then." I shown mercy and left him to his world.


"Hmm? What?"

"Who were all there in your family?"

I took some shampoo in my hand and started rubbing his hair. He hummed pleasantly at the massage.

"Well..I had a grandfather and a grandmother, a mom and dad, two uncles and an honorary aunt." I said


"Yeah. You see, my mom and this aunt who also taught my basic martial arts were orphans like us. So they were taken in sanctuary by my grandmother." I said.

"Were they also gods?"

"Yeah. But they all were the type of gods who can blend in with humans. It takes so much energy to create a physical body though. But we use it to roam around the earth."

"And what do you do? Roaming around the earth?"

I took a scrubber and soap and started washing his body. He got tickled whenever I touch him with my hands.

"My grandparents came on earth to attend their education. That's how they met. They even had a quite interesting love story.."

"Ne, did they meet?" He asked .

"Well Pop-pop and grandma were studying on the same University majoring on Psychology and Political science, respectively. Grandma was a gangster and Pop-pop was a silent introvert. One day..


"Hey loser, give me your lunch money."

A stoic boy stayed silent as the bullies talked him down.

"Hey I'm talking to you, punk! Give me your fucking money! Do you wanna die loser? Huh?"

"Just what the heck is going on here? Leave him alone you, jackasses." said a sandy-haired girl who arrived at the scene.

"Stay out of this, transvestite" another bully said

The sandy haired girl in four pig tails came down and started kicking the bullies' asses until they couldn't walk.

But the stoic boy wasn't happy with a woman protecting him.

"Bitchy transvestite..She is fucking!" one of the big bullies said and left the scene.

"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" She asked offering her hand to the stoic boy.

"You know, women like you will have a hard time finding a husband if you keep beating men up." He said to her.

Kalāra's Adventures With Konohamaru (A semi-Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now