Chapter 15

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"The Chunnin exams?" I asked

"Yeah..Me, Moegi and Udon are going to interview the trainees. Wanna come?" Konohamaru was prepping himself to do a reporting, probably for the newspaper.

"Um..Aka..I can't meet Naruto-san or Sasuke-san.." I said

"But I want you too~ You've been cooped up in the apartment for so long that people might think you're my girlfriend!"

"You idiot! Urgh..Fine. But I won't be with you. I'll be in the shadows. If someone's wondering why I'm acting like a stalker, tell them I'm on guard duty or something."

"You're boring.."

"I have to follow my orders, Konohamaru.." I placated him.

"You might be able to find your family somewhere" He suggested cunningly.

"I'll come aka..But I don't wanna be a bother to you." I said.

"What are you talking about Nee-sama? When you have a beautiful woman walking behind you like a guardian angel, which man's pride doesn't get a boost" He said happily.

"..Wait..What did you call me?"

"Uh..a guardian angel..?"

Guardian angel..

..Bambi once called that.

Could it be..?

"Let me cook this breakfast and we'll go."

And suddenly it felt like darkness creeped into my eyes.


I woke up to find whiteness and blue. I saw clouds everywhere.

"Where- Hagoromo-san?.."

"Kali." The Sage of Six Paths answered.

"Why am I here? Wait. Oh no.." I mumbled.

"You were going to meet Naruto and Sasuke. You have already made contact with Itachi Uchiha." Otsutsuki said.

"I know you said that. And I'm so sorry-"

"I want you to interact with them."


"I. Want. You. To. Interact. With. Them." He said as if he was talking to a child.

"But you said not to inter-.." I ventured.



"I later realised from Itachi that the Botticelli family, even the ones who are not by blood can awaken their memories by your psychometric powers."

"But you said they're too young to-"

"Can you not interrupt?"

"..ok." I said.

"What I'm saying is you can interact with them. You can make contact with them. But you cannot use your psychometry to activate your memories. The time for that hasn't come yet." The sage said.


"Also their memories shall be wiped off the moment you'll receive your weapons and leave this dimension."

"Even Konohamaru..?" I was somehow saddened by the thought of the little pervert forgetting me.

"...Even him."


"You can leave for now."

And I was zapped out of the heavenly realm.


"...-san, Onee-san, wake up."

I quickly woke up and my eyes tried to adjust to the light.

"..What? How?"

"You fainted and fell on the floor." Konohamaru said worried.


I touched my forehead to see if I had a concussion.

"Do you want to go now? I think you should go to the hospital."
He said.

"I'll be fine aka..I'll come with you." I said

"You sure? I thought you were not supposed to meet Naruto nii-chan.." He wondered

"I got permission from the sage. I can talk to them."I said

"YES!" He fist pumped.

"Wait. Let me get ready. I'll wear my Grim Reaper outfit..

(*Taken from Vanessa Doofenshmirtz of the "Phineas and Ferb" series)

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(*Taken from Vanessa Doofenshmirtz of the "Phineas and Ferb" series)

..since there will be a lot of ninjas from outside villages. I must be prepared for any possible threat you may get."

"Hai, Onee-san!" Konohamaru exclaimed.


"Great. He ran off without me.."

I was walking on the streets and searching for Konohamaru who went ahead of me to meet Naruto.

As I searched for him I was in my thoughts thinking about the possible people that could be my family.

Wait a second. Coming to think of it, that Sakura I saw yesterday had pink hair..And so did my mom..

Wait. Why didn't I realised that..?

Sakura could be Mom's reincarnation!

Anyway, I walked further to reach where Konohamaru went.

When I walked left, I saw Naruto, Sakura, Moegi and Udon on a path. They were standing around two other individuals whom I couldn't see and what I saw, as I walked further blew my temper.

The guy with purple markings on his face, among the two individuals was holding Konohamaru by the scruff of his neck!

Kalāra's Adventures With Konohamaru (A semi-Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now