Chapter 4

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This has been the worst Friday of my entire life.


Carly’s POV:

            Today was the day MTV was coming to start filming, and it was also the day of my album signing. FYE, a big entertainment store here in Los Angeles, was holding the album signing for me. Kristen had told me that the fans have been camping out to be the first ones in line, which was bloody amazing. I was currently sitting in my living room with Ashley as we waited for the crew to arrive and leave for the signing. My hair was curled and my make up was done. I was dressed in a casual white ruffled top, skinny jeans, and dark grey military boots. I could feel my stomach churning as we waited, and then it flopped as the door bell rang.

            I stood up, taking a deep breath, as I walked towards the door with Ashley following right behind me. I opened the door, revealing a middle aged man wearing a headset and a black T-shirt that had the MTV logo across the chest. Behind him was a huge camera crew, all smiling. “Hey, come on in,” I grin, stepping away and widening the door.

            “It’s nice to meet you, Carly,” the guy in the headset says. “I’m Dave, the producer.”

            “Nice to meet you,” I smile. “This is my best friend, Ashley.”

            Ashley waves and Dave grins at her. ‘Now, I know we have to go to your album signing, but I just wanna take a quick minute and fill you both in on what’s happening.”

            “Go ahead,” I nod.

            Dave smiles. “We basically want to know who Carly McKinley is,” he begins. “We’re gonna start with your signing. Now, Carly, we want you to talk to the camera, as if you are talking to the fans. You’re gonna say what you’re doing, where you’re going, and your friends are gonna be in it as well. It’s basically a reality show, but instead of pretending like the camera isn’t there, you’re actually gonna talk to it.”

            I nod. “Sounds easy enough.”

            “Oh, it is,” Dave says. “Trust me.”

            I nod. “Do you think One Direction could be in it?” I ask. “They’re my friends and I hang out with them a lot.”

            Dave nods, smiling. “That’s perfectly fine,” he says. “They’re your friends, afterall. We wanna know who Carly hands out with – whether they’re famous or not.”

            I nod, grinning. “Let’s do this then!”


            “We’re gonna be filming you as you talk to fans and sign albums,” Dave explains as we enter the store.

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