Chapter 3

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Guys, my friend - who I love dearly - is pure evil.

As you know, it's Valentines Day. So my friend decided it would be funny to play with me and my sensitive Harry feelings. We were in gym and all of a sudden she's just like, "What would you do if Harry Styles just walked through that door carrying a boquet of red roses and a box of chocolate? He'd take out a microphone and ask where 'Summer Nawaz' is, and everyone would stop and point at you. And then he'd make his way towards you, bend down on one knee, and --"

I had cut her off because I covered my eyes, yelling out, "LALALA" and sinking on to the floor. It was awful. I'm a sucker for Harry. I love all of the boys, but then there's Harry. And I get Harry feels almost every damn day and I start just hyperventilating.

It's weird.



Carly’s POV:

            Seeing Harry again felt good, actually. At first, I had thought that it would be a bit awkward and tension-filled between the two of us. Granted, it was awkward in the beginning, but then it soon died down. Harry and I were able to be civiled towards each other and have a normal conversation. Of course, some old memories were playing through my mind as the two of us talked, but I was able to push them towards the back of my mind.

            It was also hilarious when Harry told me he thought that Hayden was my boyfriend. And it was kind of, sort of adorable how Harry was so embarassed when he found out Hayden was in fact gay. When I told Hayden about it, he had burst into fits of laughter. He always found it funny – yet flattering – when people didn’t think he was gay. He confuses me some times.

            Harry looked a bit different, in a good way. His hair had gotten curlier, he got taller, and definitely a bit more muscular. It’s not my fault I was checking him out...

            Right now, I was heading over to the boys’ hotel. Harry had texted me saying that the boys wanted to see me, so I couldn’t say no and agreed to come. I was dressed in a casual red dress with hoop earrings, bronze sandals, and my hair was tied into a a high pony tail with some hair strands coming out. Once out of my car, I walked into the hotel lobby. I forgot to ask Harry their suite number, so I walked up to the receptionist.

            “Hi, I’m looking for One Direction’s hotel suite,” I say, leaning forward on the table.

            “Yeah, you and every other girl in the city,” the obnoxious lady rolled her eyes, not looking up from her computer.       

            I raise my eyebrows, taking off my big sunglasses that hid most of my face. “Can I please have their room number?” I ask again.

            The lady groans. “Look, kid,” she looks up and at my face, when her eyes suddenly widen. “Oh my.. Carly McKinley!” she gasps. “I’m so sorry! I had no idea it was you.”

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