[38] Escape

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Surprise! Early Chapter!


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


[1 Hour earlier]

He needed to be fast...

"Why...did I make it so heavy!?" he growled under his breath, turning to slide the cargo off his back that was covered with a thin sheet. He pulled the sheet back a bit, analyzing his work, "Good enough."

He peeked his head around the corner, looking around, "I don't see anyone..." he whispered to no one in particular, "I don't think he's here yet....that's good..." he dropped a bag off his shoulder and looked back at the sheet,

Time to go...

He lifted his cargo up again, scanning for any cameras and disabling them at a moment's notice.

Just long enough for him to slip on by...

He opened the doors to The Council's Headquarters and slid inside. The chilly air made his air filters shudder for only a second as he got used to it. But besides the biting cold...there was this unnerving silence.

Shouldn't there be guards? More cameras? Trip-wire systems?

This...was all too easy...

But then he reminded himself that Arc was coming and that this was most likely a trap for the man...Either way, Clank had to get a move on and not get caught....

He walked down the first hall he could, passing the elevators entirely as he went straight to the stairs. It would be longer, but Arc using the stairs is not so likely and the chances of someone waiting for him by the stairs were slim.

But the question was...up or down?


He quickly accessed his downloaded files, systems coming up with a fragmented map that was (hopefully) up to date.

Which meant...he was going down.

*Step*Step*Step* he descended quickly, feet barely making a sound. The cargo on his back bounced as his pace increased, swinging around to descend flight after flight after flight.

Floor 40....39...38...

Clank panted, almost toppling down as he skipped a step or two in his rush to get down...


"Almost there..." he whispered to himself, "Almost there."


He turned...

4...3...2...1 and-


Where was the door!?

His cargo fell off his back as he looked around frantically at the dead end. All that was down here were a few rotting boxes, an old weapons crate, and some weird...metal bench? There was also a metal cabinet-


He scanned the room quickly, locating the hidden entrance right behind the cabinet...

He smirked, that was easy...

He placed his hands on the side and pushed the heavy cabinet as far as he could...

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