[30] Missing

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Fight scene! Let's go! (Hopefully I did well with it...I'm more of a fluff person but I tried!)😅

More Author's notes at the end, Enjoy the chapter!

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


Nova was the first to move, bolting forward and reaching Clank in record time, swinging a fist forward and missing by a few inches as Clank dodged them. The silver Lombax turned to catch Nova's wrist to twist it back, making them look him in the eyes. "We don't have to do this, Nova." he whispered to them, "We could just-"

But Nova was enraged, taking their other fist and punching Clank's left cheek, growling as they did so. "Shut...your fucking mouth." they seethed, "You're the one that started this! You're the one that had to ruin everything!"

Clank recovered quickly, catching their next fist and practically begging, "Nova, I don't want to-"

"Fight me!" They gave a powerful kick to his knee, effectively putting him down to the ground where they gave a swift kick to the stomach, once...twice...until Clank rolled away, grasping at his stomach. Good thing he didn't have real organs...

Turns out he didn't have long to recover as they jumped on top of him, wrestling on the ground for a bit before pinning him down. But Clank suddenly turned and kicked them away as hard as he could, hissing in pain as his more delicate metal made contact with Nova's more advanced shell. It seemed like the kick didn't even affect them as they jumped right back up, teeth bared and claws aiming to do damage. Clank tried to reason with them one last time,

"Nova, please-" he whispered desperately, hands spread in front of him to try and calm Nova down so they would stop trying to strike, "-There is no reason to-"

"There is a reason!" They shouted, "If I don't kill you now, I will lose my whole life and continue to be a slave!" their voice started to rise higher and higher, voice box struggling to keep up.

"It's because of you that I'm like this! It's because of you that I have to suffer! If you just let me go-" then...their eyes widened, "-No...if you let the thought of your fucking friend go, then I wouldn't be here!"

"You wouldn't be in existence then!" Clank retorted, "I never would have made you!"

"It's better than suffering!" They screeched, "Better than being a slave! Better than listening to others and being locked up! Better than everything!"

They ran forward again, tears in their eyes, obviously letting their emotions overtake their actions. Their fist was significantly weaker and slower compared to the rest, and allowed Clank to grab both of their wrists this time, keeping them there.

He wasn't a fighter. He didn't even know where to hit. Not like he wanted to hurt them...

He needed them to come to their senses...

"Nova. Nova! Please listen!"

Nova tried to get out of his grip, snarling and pulling Clank to the side to try and get him off, but to no avail. Clank's grip was like steel.

"I don't want to listen to anything you have to say!" they spat, "It's your turn to suffer!"


"You don't deserve to be free!" Nova hissed, "All you want to do is get out and see your stupid, dead friend!"

Clank's fur bristled, "He's not dead!" and in a fit of anger, he released Nova and kicked them away with unknown strength. They cried out in pain and hit the ground with a force much harder than before.

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