Why Not?

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Narrator POV

Clay mindlessly traced the engravings of the leather bound book in his one hand. It was the only thing left of Y/N when she had sacrificed her life to save his.
"I wish I could...remember."
He said not to anyone in particular. George and Sapnap sat on either side of him. Sapnap gave his blonde friend a sad smile.
"Yeah...me too mate."

George patted his friends thigh, still blaming himself for not being able to help him.
"That fight has so many blank memories, it must have been from her magic."
They all nodded.
"It's been a thousand years, I barely remember her face. But I do remember her smile."
He thought out loud. Sapnap nodded.
"I remember how fierce she was. Never gave up a fight."

Clay gently rubbed something between his thumb and his fingers. It was smooth and small, attached to a small string.
It was her necklace.
His emerald eyes were glazed over as he stared out onto the newly developing nation. The three men sat on the new nations walls, watching them.
"Yeah, she's taking a long time to get here isn't she?"
He muttered, glancing around as if looking for someone.

George and Sapnap shared a knowing look.
Not again.
Sapnap gently took the book away from Clay and squeezed his friend's hand.
"Clay...don't you remember what we told you?"
He gently whispered to his friend,
"Y/N died. S-She's dead."
Clay's eyebrows furrowed and the hand Sapnap held started to shake slightly.
"Oh yeah, I remember."

He replied. His emerald eyes fell onto the necklace in his hands.
"Well I'll just give it to her when she gets back."
George softly wrapped his arms around Clay's shoulders.
"Clay...Y/N's not coming back."
He saw a tear drop onto the smooth guitar pick. Clay's lips quivered as tears ran down his face.

"Why not?"
A thousand years and the pain never left him. He turned to George whose face was blurred by his agony.

This is the end of To Be Bonded! This idea was literally just bothering me for so so long until I actually started to write it. Once I did, the plot followed and the characters and everything fell so nicely into place. And yes... I have an idea for THE CONTINUING BOOK! Anyway thank you so so much for all the support I really do appreciate all you birdies. Anyway I will see you all...IN THE NEXT BOOK!
Phoenix out.

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