Wrong Target

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Dream POV

I shouted as I jumped off of the beast's head. I felt sick and felt like fainting. Y/N swayed slightly before crumpling to the floor.
I ran to her side.
I shook her shoulder. Nothing.

Her eyes snapped open, glowing like the sun. I jolted and shuffled away. Slowly by some means of what could only be magic her body rose, hovering in the air. Her veins were shining with a brightness I had never seen before ,as were her eyes. Figures moved closer from behind me but my eyes never left the sight. Her head faced the sky and her limbs were outstretched. Something inside of me burst with energy, overwhelming each and every one of my senses.

Slowly the shine faded and she stopped hovering and fell once again. I made my way toward her. Her E/C eyes opened up and she picked her head up. I offered her my hand but she practically jumped up.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
I asked.
A grin plastered onto her lips. She twisted her arms and breathed in deeply. Her veins burst into the deep golden glow. The white sands whirled around her like golden flakes.

"How are you feeling?"
I smiled as the sand dropped down. Her eyes looked at me, for the first time confidence radiated from her.
"I feel like God."
She responded, her head held high. I didn't think I could love her more but my heart jerked at her new found confidence.

I'll give you whatever you want. Even if it's not me.

"I trusted you!"
My mothers voice broke from the people behind us. We turned and faced the soldiers. Some had their weapons raised while others were frozen in fear. Y/N's mother had her arms crossed, a proud smile on her lips while Ranboo used his water to make a shield against the Ender men. My mom shoved her way to the front of the group, her broadsword clear in her hands.

Y/N clicked her tongue and rose her hands. I kept one of my knives in my hand.
"I gave you shelter, food, a living! And all this time you were a witch! I should kill you right now!"
"Even though we saved your life?!"
Y/N responded, hatred clear in her voice. Her veins began to glow in her rage.
"Honestly you pompous royal brats can't see past your own noses can you?!"
She smacked my hand away from her.

"I mean just look at you! I just killed the Mother of Magic and you have the audacity to think you can fight me?"
My mother held her blade up as warning.
"Deathly Daughter-"
"I saved your godamn life!"
"-for your crimes-"
"Your father used my grandmother! You say you hate magic users yet you're willing to bind your own son to one!"
"-you will be sentenced to death!"

My mother rushed towards us and before I knew it Y/N had snatched my throwing knife out my hand.
"Y/N no!"
But it was too late.
She threw the knife straight at my mom. My heart lurched.
My mom however managed to swerve from it. The knife whizzed in the air and found another target...Y/N's mother.

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