Watch your Tongue

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They slammed me down onto the marble table. Tied my hands and feet to the legs. I twisted and wriggled but it chaffed my hands badly. The cloth tied around my head held the gag firmly in my mouth.

I knew the two men who had tied me up, because I represented the power that was indirectly given to them...through their best friend. They also were used to this. Used to me trying to escape. So much so that they seemed almost bored.

Cold cobblestones made up the dingy dungeon walls where they stood guard. In technical terms they weren't allowed to harm me, yet that never stopped him from trying. The jail door opened, the two men brought in a tray. My heart lurched. I saw the top of a mallet, glint of small knives:operating instruments.

I yanked my head up to see him. To defy him once again. He entered, his stature was tall,even underneath his loose collared shirt you could tell he had a toned body. His white mask is shifted to rest on the side of his face. His face...a luxury very few get to see. In fact the only people in our kingdom who have seen his freckles, his scar across his nose, his perfectly line teeth, were in this very room.

"You know you'd think after two failed attempts you'd stop trying to run from me."
His honey glazed voice rose. I glared at him, still craning my neck to face him. A light smirk fell across his face.
"Keep her down."
My head was bashed down onto the surface. Pain shot through my skull. I winced.

A leather glove gently touched the exposed skin of my calf. I immediately tensed up.
What the hell?!
I wriggled to try and get away. The glove rose slightly,brushing my skin as if it was teasing me.
He whispered my name with his stupidly intoxicating voice.

"Do you remember what my mother said, the first time you ran? What she told me to do?Do you remember your purpose?"
His hand moved ever so slowly up my body. I tried to bring my head up but Sapnap smashed it back down.

"We'll use her. Abuse her. To do the impossible."
He tapped his fingers onto the marble table. I desperately screamed against the gag. A smirk rose to his face.
"To live a mortal life,with the power of the gods."

Leather wrapped around my neck and brought my head up, inches from his face. He swiftly undid my gag. I heaved for air,the leather fingers still stopping complete air flow.
"Tsk.tsk. What a greedy girl you are."
He teased as I clung to the little air I was given.

"You're...a physcopath."
I croaked out. He tilted his head playfully.
"I prefer creative."
"Screw you."
A glint and then my jaw was forced open. Metal pliers holding the tip of my tongue and pulling it out my mouth. It wasn't clamped yet,one wrong move and it would destroy it.

"Oooh. You're lucky you need this pretty little tongue to use your magic. Otherwise I'd make sure you'd be mute."
I convulsed at his words. He reluctantly let my tongue go. He moved his handoff my neck and stepped away. I caught my breath,feeling the sides of my neck already bruising.

He position his mask over his face. The 'XD' engraved into the centre. He pulled his cuffs back into position.
"See to it that she gets nothing to eat for a week."
He stated to the two others. His mask looked to me over his shoulder.
"Enjoy the rest of your evening Y/N.Oh and... watch your tongue next time."

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