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I was awake but not really. I couldn't feel my limbs, or any part of my body. My eyes were heavy.

But the darkness continued to encase me. A muffled voice rang out in the dark.
Get up!
I tried to desperately reach out for it but a splitting pain shot through me. The agony curled me up, I couldn't feel anything but the pain.

Images flashed through my mind. Painful and sudden. A man of black and white; a book made of glowing papers; my mother's face;a man in a green cloak, his face hidden with a hood; another man in a red cloak...the Red Assassin.

I vaguely the nerves of my hands. The images kept overwhelming me. The cloaked men faced one another. Both faces hidden under their hoods. They started to merge into one.
Then split apart.
They merged again and split again.
What. The. Hell?!

They merged for a final time. A bright light shone from them. Instantly my nerves shot into effect. My eyes snapped open and somewhere I heard my scream. It's didn't sound like it came from me. I was sweating...and I was in a bed.

Shadows turned into shapes. Shapes into a room.
I whispered as my eyes absorbed the alien room. A single desk lay with a wooden chair. The desk had mountains of newspapers, an oil lamp on top giving off the only light. The curtains of the single window had holes and splits on the bottom. I?

A door opened on opposite the bed. I looked for any weapon but I couldn't find one.
Shoot! I'm unarmed!
Dream's body stood in the doorway. His blonde curls were damp. His tanned body fully on display, muscles tensing and relaxing. His tall figure had perfectly defined abs. A towel covered his lower half.

His bright green eyes lifted from the towel to me. He flashed a grin.
"Good. You're up."

To Be Bonded(Dream X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now