An Offer

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I slowly made my way to Dream. I grabbed his hand to which he seemed to tense.
"Relax I'm not flirting asshole."
I hissed as I placed a small vial into his hand.
"What's this?"

"The serum."
He moved closer till his mouth was inches from my ear.
Holy crap.
My skin was already alight and he barely touched it.
"For the plan to work."
"The plan?"
I turned to him and smiled.
"Why do you keep repeating what I say? Drink up."

I moved and drank mine. It tasted really bad. The queen's soldiers started to rush in.
They shoved me onto my knees. My head started to feel light.
I glanced to's working. He vaguely looked to me.
I mouthed,
'Don't talk.'

Puffy POV

I watched as my soldiers dragged the ten bodies out of the room. One brought me the crown of King Enoc. I twirled it on my finger. The two figures knelt amongst the blood they had shed.
My floor is going to need a hell of a wash.

One of the figures had a green hooded cloak on. They were the one to kill the King. Male. I could hear in his voice as he announced the King's beheading.The other was the first who had 'arrived' and killed the first two soldiers. They wore a black hooded cloak. Female. She had had the audacity to shout to me as if I were her equal.
How had they known the King would try to have me killed?

"Remove their hoods and masks."
I said sitting back down into my throne. My mage rushed into the room.
I nodded and he closed his mouth. He slowly used his magic to pick the blood from the floor, into the air and place it into a nearby bucket. He adjusted his doubled toned hair and made his way to stand at the western doorway.

The soldiers ripped off the hoods of the two kneeling figures. The male had very ginger hair with many curls. His face dotted with freckles and blue eyes. The female had long, white to violet hair and her eyes reminded me of a mustard colour, or a gold.
Something about them was familiar.
But what?

I heard the patter of feet before Clay quickly came to stand next to me. The small girl who he had regretfully befriended, stood at the doorway. Next to my mage. I rolled my eyes in disgust.
"State your business here."
I spoke. The woman shook her head and smiled.
"A thank you would be nice."
She mumbled under her breath as though I wouldn't hear.

My blood boiled at her behaviour.
I spat. Her red haired companion gave her a well deserved warning look but the girl ignored him.
"I said, a simple thank you would be appreciated my Queen."
The soldiers raised their weapons to her throat. In a flash she unhooked her own blade and held one by knife point.

"Your Highness. I assure you we come in peace!"
The red haired boy exclaimed.
"I can't see how that's possible with her acting like an undisciplined dog."
I shouted. The violet haired woman rolled her eyes and shoved the soldier to the ground.

"Your Highness! My...partner and I have travelled far."
She stated. Her demenour was confident, respected. Powerful.
She's dangerous.
"You have seen first hand our combat abilities and expertise. And so..."
She glanced to the doorway then back to me.
"We would like to give you an offer."

I held my head high.
"I do not make deals with thugs."
Her grin widened and she tilted her head.
"What if I told you that we wanted to become your personal assassins?"
They were skilled. They were dangerous. I looked to the red haired man. His eyes questioning me too.


I watched her take my bait. It seems the serum had worked. I kept my focus on her but my eyes trailed back to the doorway where the current mage stood with twelve year old me.
My smaller self made eye contact with me. I winked. Her jaw dropped.

"In exchange for?"
She snapped me back.
"For residency here. That is all we ask."
Even under her closed lips she ran her tongue over her top row of teeth.
So that's where he gets it.

She sighed and slouched into her throne.
"Very well. What do we call you?"
"The Deathly Duo."

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