A Dream?

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He moved to grab his gloves. I latched onto the table lamp. He turned from the sound, but not in time to counter act as the table lamp slammed into his head.
"Ow! Gahhh!"
He hissed.

I jumped out of the bed. Spastically opened the rotting door into the hallway and sprinted down the stairs.
Go go!
The hotel keeper looked at me as if I was a ghost. I must have looked liked one too. I was only wearing an oversized shirt and some undergarment shorts.

I heard fishing footsteps from behind.
It's just a dream.
Dashed out the front door.
The sun blinded me for a second. I almost got ran over by a wagon. When my eyes adjusted I found myself on the main road, but it was still made of dirt instead of the cleaner wood we had installed last year.
No no no no.

I saw a flash of green as I glanced over my shoulder.
I swerved my way through the crowd, ducking behind an apple stall.
My breath hitched and I slammed a hand over my mouth.

It's all a dream.
Just a bad dream, it will be over as soon as you get there. They won't be there and you'll wake up.
I took a chance to see if he had followed me. But he was standing in the middle of the crowd, clearly taller than almost all of them, searching.

I slowly slipped into an alleyway. Despite all the years of purposely trying to avoid this place I could still find my way.
"Like the back of your hand dear."
I could hear his voice say.
Another, smaller dirt road came into view.

I raced down the towards the end. Dust picked off the ground underneath me. My hair still tied up was whipping around in the wind.
I must look insane.
It's just a dream.

There it was. All the way at the end of the road. The vines twining into the stone of its walls. The light coloured thatch and the garden lusciously growing all the herbs and plants no one else was permitted to have. I stepped closer. My heart practically in my throat.

The smell of her baked goods hitting my nose like a forgotten memory. Laughing. More like giggling, from a child. My hands started to shake. My stomach felt sick. I gently peered in. In the middle of their small house they sat. A child, barely a teenager, sat in the floor talking non stop about something.

Next to her was a man who read his paper and added his opinion into their conversation. He had black and white skin, split perfectly down his body. There was a woman also, her hair was in beautiful auburn curls and her eyes the colour of autumn leaves. She wiped flour off her hands and gave the others something baked, all of them smiling.

I stumbled away. My knees were weak. Tears welled my eyes.
I barely made it onto the first road before I fell. My hands shaking horribly. I felt his arms around me, this time lifting me off the road and leading me away. My gaze never left the thatch roof.

Don't hate me for this. All the Tubbo x Ranboo stans hold your panties okay. Just hold them! Anyway thanks for all the support on this book and my other ones! Really appreciate it! I'm thinking of giving this book an A/N with a shoutout list so do go ahead and vote and comment so you can be added to it. Anyway hope you enjoyed and I will see you...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.

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