Help Me

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We closed the door to the tower.
"What do we do?"
"I don't know."
He started pacing. It freaked me out even more. The Red Assassin was the older, present day rival to Dream.

And sure enough he was trying to kill him.
"We need to get back to the present."
He muttered clenching his jaw. He ran his tongue over his teeth as he thought.
Stay focused.
"Wouldn't it be easier to just kill him now? As a kid?"
"Clearly not. To find him could take us months all the while the Red Assassin is watching us and waiting for the perfect time to kill me and take you."

"You'll be fine I'll protect you-"
"You don't have your magic. You're so much weaker here."
It stung to hear him say that out loud. But I knew what he meant.
"Fine. You said you had a plan. What was it?"

He took a book from the desk and placed it on the floor. I sat down and glanced at it.
"Sapnap said this book is all on how to regenerate magic within mages. However the only plausible theory that would give you enough power to get us out of here..."
I saw the massive reptilian entity scaling its healing tower on the page.
"Is to kill and inherit the power of the Ender Dragon."

He finished. My heart stopped.
"No. Dream no I can't. She is a sacred magical deity! To kill her would be an unforgivable sin!"
What did he know about her importance to mages and magical creatures?
"Y/N try to understand. If we have any hope from my...rival being defeated we need to have your powers back. Surely your deity would be honoured to give up her powers to someone like you?"

I laughed.
"You have zero idea what you are asking. You have zero concept of the sacrifice that would mean."
A fool like him just assumes what he does not know.

He walked up to me. My heart started to race with every step.
"There isn't any other way."
His hand gently came up to caress my cheek.
This is wrong. He manipulates everyone. Don't fall for it.
"If...if I go back...I'll just be the royal mage again."
I felt my voice crack.

His hand stopped, I looked up into his eyes.
"If I go back, I lose my freedom all over again."
I watched carefully as he fought himself. Maybe somewhere the Clay I once knew was still in there. He shifted away.
"So what? You'll stay here? As this fake assassin? You really want to spend your whole life killing?"

"You wanted me to be a killer! That is what I was born for, trained for!"
I came up to his face, flaring with anger.
"You wanted me to be your weapon. I wanted you be a better ruler!"
He clenched his jaw.
"Well I guess we were both disappointed."
He spat and stormed out the tower.

I dropped onto the bed and I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes.
What right did he have to ask me to kill the Mother of Magic?
What right did he have to make me still feel these stupid emotions?

I trailed my hand to where my heart lay. I traced the scar gently.
I want to feel free again.
I want...
Shoving my hood over my head I walked out of the castle and into the city below.

Children cheered and ran with their small toys,playing between the stalls. Spices and cloth with fish, fresh vegetables and medical aids sold from each wooden box.

I moved through the crowd and found my way onto that dirt road. I walked all the way to the very end. My eyes fell onto the person I wanted to see. She was there with a wooden sword, training with her Y/N.
Her auburn hair fell out of its half bun in waves.

I can't remember why she had the talent of a soldier, perhaps she had once been one in the first wars of the SMP. I do remember her never letting me be weak. She was the one who taught me to be that soldier.
She was the one who could help me.

"Flank! Dodge Bug dodge!"
Little Y/N obeyed immediately. That's when my mom noticed me. She stopped her fake jab.
"Go inside, I'll see you now."
I breathed in and steeled myself. She placed the sword down on the porch and made her way through my dad's plants to the fence gate.

I dug my hand into my thigh under the coat. Her hazel eyes looked up to mine, I had grown a whole head taller than her...
I choked up and couldn't speak. Instead of being freaked out or distraught she smiled. And she brought her arms around me.

I felt my tears starting to fall. She smelled like cinnamon and bread dough. She smelled like home.
"Hi Bug."

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