I Promise

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Dream POV

Arrows flew and lodged into the rotting skin of the undead. They doubled back and two fell to the floor. Hissing and shuffles came from the dark hallway to our right.
Queen Puffy took her soldiers up the flight of stairs while I stayed at the bottom. I lodged a knife into one's throat while Ranboo used his water satchel to control his water and slice through two more.

"Keep your guard up! Those hisses weren't nothing."
He whisper shouted as I yanked out my knife.
"Noted sir."
We slowly made our way up to the rest of the group just in time to see Y/N grab two creepers by their heads, burst her blades out into their necks and shove them away. The blew up and shook the passageway.

She ran over to me and smiled.
"Hey, how'd the zombies go?"
She asked as we scouted through the stronghold. Her small figure seemed to scan every wall.
"Yeah an amateur would have struggled but I didn't have a problem."
I replied, my need to impress her making me sound cocky. She rolled her eyes playfully but a fear lay behind her orbs.

We kept our hoods securely on, our last vial we drank a while ago meaning our faces would be recognisable. We continued walking through as Persa guided us through. Apparently Y/N said that her mom and dad had fought about the expedition. And true to her word her father held up the back, as far from his wife as possible.

Her little head shot up next to mine as she stopped in her steps. Her brows furrowed.
"What's wrong?"
I whispered, glancing around. My skin was crawling from the cold of the damp walls.
"I don't know."
She whispered, moving off to the left without further warning.
What in the Nether hell?
I blinked before following behind her.

Our footsteps echoed through the halls as she moved through the dark. I held my torch so she could see where she was going but she almost seemed to be set on her own compass.
She's never been here before though.
We came to a rotting oak door with steel embedded edges. The knobs made of pure gold. She went to grab it. As her hand connected to the door it burst into a golden glow, which seeped from every crack. She jolted back.

I grabbed her waist to keep her steady.
"Woah careful Y/N."
The door no longer glowed but the door was now unlocked.
"Y-yeah. That was just freaky."
She whispered and I nodded. Despite what she said I could see her drive to enter the strange room.
I said cautiously as a spider hiss echoed from our left. She shoved the door with her shoulder. I grabbed the handle and opened it for her.

"I forget that you're strong sometimes."
She coughed as dust rushed over us. It took me a couple of swipes to adjust to the smoggy room.
"Thanks? Screw you? I don't know what to..."
I stopped dead in my remark as the massive library came into view. Books practically formed the walls as desks were spread out in the centre. Two stories worth of knowledge overwhelmed the room and the stench of old paper wafted through it.

"What is this place?"
I grazed the spines of the old books in front of me. Y/N was flipping through another on a desk.
"I remember my dad saying that the fortress was the mage, you know the one that was tricked into making the Dragon Slayer?"
I nodded, still caressing the rows of books.
"Yeah apparently this is where they made their final stand to help the last dragon escape. But something is wrong."

I glanced to her. In her small hands was a leather bound book with deep engravings on the cover.
Like vines.
Like veins.
"What's that?"
"That's the thing. Clay, if you wanted to preserve knowledge to mages would you not put that knowledge into the Mage language?"
I nodded.
"Of course. Why?"
She opened the book. The very first page had a single phrase.
I have many regrets in falling for you, my love.

I could read it.
"They...left it in English?"
Her E/C eyes frowned.
"It doesn't make sense. This was a place made to fully separate magic from man. So why?"
A bang sounded out making us both jump.
Soon afterwards Ranboo rushed in with his hair matted to his forehead.
"Quick! She found it! They found it!"
We looked at one another before dashing out the room. Our footsteps clattered along the passageway.

Ranboo was well ahead of us. We rounded a corner and a heat wave crashed onto us. My mother stood with her broadsword and armour at the ready as did her soldiers. Lava pools on either side and there stood an opened void.
Holy Mother of Craft.

One in his twenties with silver hair was adjusting some of his buckles.
"Hey, got any spare?"
I asked. He glanced up at me before smiling. Deja vu hit me.
Do I know him?
"Sure. Take these."
He tossed me some gear which I quickly strapped on.

"Once we enter we do not engage the dragon. My father underestimated the beast, I will not make the same mistake. We get in, loot the shipwreck and get the hell out. Do I make myself clear?"
The soldiers hit their chests with their fists. She turned to the portal and leapt into it. Followed was Y/N's mother who gave Ranboo a quick kiss on the cheek before jumping in. Soldiers started making their way in. Ranboo jumped in before it was just me and Y/N.

Her eyes were wider than usual and her chest was elevating quite quickly.
I said and she looked to me. She half smiled, a single tear running down her face.
"You'll be just fine. You are so powerful."
I whispered pulling her in for a hug. She practically latched onto me.

Finally we pulled apart, she wiped her tears. Her hands went around her neck and took off her necklace. She placed it into mine. The guitar pick smooth on my palm.
"Promise me, that if we both make it out of this...you'll give it back to me. You have to promise to give it back."
Her voice cracked slightly. I balled my hand into a fist and held it tightly.
"I promise. I promise."

She swung her new axe weapon before dropping back first into the portal. I rolled my eyes playfully.
Show off.
I hopped into the black void after her.

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