Here For You

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"P-please sir. Don't kill me."
His hands snaked to the top of my hips, where my belt was. A feeling flowed through me. It made me gag. The tiny identical hour glasses which held the sands of time were attached on there.
"Shut up vessel. You'll cooperate like a good pet."

His hand with the knife moved a little away from my throat as he reached down. I grasped my dagger in my left sleeve.
I Swung it up and sliced his hand through the glove. I dashed away from him and twisted my grip on the handle. His hood covered his face. Red.

"Rule One: A woman can be a great actress."
I said as I attacked. He swerved left and nicked my side. I winced, But managed to spin and slash into his bicep. He grunted from the impact. He lunged so I jumped and used his back to get over him. He kicked up quickly and made contact with my chest.

A pain shot through me as I felt a rib or two break. I doubled over. But the Red Assassin wasn't done. He walked up to me, rope in his hands. He went for my arms: wrong move. I punched straight into his gut. He doubled over , I took the opportunity. Pushed off my feet and body slammed him.

I heard his voice and my head snapped up. I wiped blood off my mouth.
I shouted back, trying to fight off the next assassin. They stumbled and fell flat. The Red Assassin was no where in sight. Dream rushed forward to me and grabbed my hands.
"There. Don't screw up!"

The power surged through me.
Ooooh that feels nice.
The sands spiralled around my hands. Two assassins started to decay into corpses as I sent the sands their way.
"Dream you need my he-"
I turned to see three bodies drop at once. Each a throwing knife in the chest.
"You don't get it do you? They are here for you, not me!"

I turned my back so he rested against me. We fought back to back. Those sour combat lessons as teenagers clutching through.
"Why do you mean for me?"
I shouted back. I tried to find the Red Assassin, but there was so much happening. Dream grabbed my hand, twisted me so we swapped opponents.
"Don't worry about it. You see George? And the three other assassins next to him?"

My eyes glanced over the fight. George waved his hand before knocking a soldier out.
I replied behind me. Two hands grabbed my waist, turning me to face him. The power, pleasure seeped through where he was holding me.
He leaned forward right to my ear. His breath caressing my ear's outline.
"You focus on transitioning them. I will give you as much power as I can. Don't mess up Y/N."
It was bone chilling.

In an instant a messy ring of the paid killers protected me from the onslaught. Clink of metal. Cries and screams. I carefully sent my sands to George. Felt the spirit of his child. I felt each skin cell get younger, his stature get shorter and skinnier. But he moved to protect me and I lost that focus.

Sweat dripped down my face. So I sat down. It sounds stupid, sitting down in a battle. But it was the only way I could conserve my energy. The sands rose again, the glow of my veins heightened. Finally the magic clicked. A burst of light shone where George had stood.
Did I...kill him?!

I...can't see him...
I tried desperately to look for his chocolate hair but I couldn't see over the assassins' shoulders. My stomach dropped.
Dream's voice reached my ears. I whipped around to see the Red Assassin break the line. From my right I saw Dream try and get to me.
Soldiers overwhelmed him.

I took my stance, the sands swirling around my hands. The man rushed at me. But something was off. Somethings different. My heart rate rose. I started to freeze up.
I sent my sands at the Red Assassin but I couldn't feel his soul, couldn't pull his life force.

Dream crashed through. He gripped my hand. My power surged. A vague outline of the Red Assassins soul came into view. But I was too late. The Red Assassins hand touched my other.
His gloves are gone.
A shatter implodes within me. Light poured out from my body.
power...too much power.
The world started spinning.
Am I...on the sun...?
The light was blinding. My legs were giving up.

Then it was darker. I was staring at the stars.
Stars...were we not inside?
A far away voice was shouting at me.
My head throbbed. My legs shook, straightened then gave up. My head never hit the ground though. A blurry face showed above me. Beautiful green eyes.

"I've got you Y/N. I've got you."

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