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His mother rushed towards me with her sword. Without thinking I snatched Clay's knife out of his hand.
"Y/N no!"
He shouted but I ignored him and sent the blade flying.
She'll finally get what's coming to her.
I watched as it whizzed towards her but she swiftly made a detour and dodged it.

She made contact with me as I swung the axe at her. But I was stronger now. I was no child anymore.
"Someone should have put you in your place a long time ago."
I smiled, my veins glowing, and slammed her onto the ground. Knocked out.

I heard his cry. I turned my head and found where the knife had landed.


My body went numb, every inch of me like a blown out candle.
There lay my mother, in my father's arms, bleeding out.
Time stopped.
Everything seemed to move at a slow pace as I stumbled to her side.

Yet she smiled through her reddened teeth.
"H-hi Bug."
No. No no no.
"M-mom? I'm sorry. Mom please...please you promised."
My tears fell down my cheeks and my throat stung with pain.
"Oh my little Bug. I'll be fine-"
She coughed, blood trickling down her chin.

Her amber hair was sticky from the growing pool underneath her.
"Im so sorry, I knew...I...didn't know it would...be..."
My words were choking me.
She whispered to me.
I pleaded through my blurry eyes. I got no response.

I screamed, clutching her head to my chest.
Every cell inside of me seemed to rip open. Magic burst from me as pain drowned me.
Time seemed to quicken again when Dad lifted his head to see me.

Shock filled his face when his eyes met mine.
He asked but I couldn't think. I couldn't speak just cry more.
Please...come back to me.
I pushed magic through her again and again, trying to reverse time on her cells. Still her empty orbs stared back at my failure.
Clay rushed to my side, peeling me away from her limp body.
A shrill voice came from somewhere.

"Y/N I'm sorry."
Clay held me to his chest. Her blood on my hands was staining his shirt.
"But we have to go."
I choked. His blonde head turned to my father.
"When you return to our world, you will leave her and venture to the Snowlands."

I don't want him to remember this.
I pulled away from him. I gently cupped Dad's face in my hands. His salty tears wet my hands and his shocked face broke my heart even more. I brought his forehead to my own.
My energy lessened as his pained expression faded to nothing.
Forget and be happy.

I stood up slowly to the sound of swords being drawn. The dukes and soldiers stood with their weapons drawn. Clay stood in front of me but at that moment I couldn't have cared.
I saw who I wanted: the Red Assassin.
His figure was cloaked, my magic burst must have wiped his facade off. I spread my hands out. Clay twisted his head and immediately grabbed my one, the bond surging.
"Let's go."
He stated but I ignored him.
I'm done.
The Red figure sliced through the soldiers towards us.

His hand grabbed my other making my power practically feel limitless. Clay's eyes widened as he registered what was happening. Queen Puffy was running toward us with evil written on her face. I closed my eyes and indulged each and every pore with magic. Clay's hand tried to leave my grasp but I paid no attention as I kept him in place.

Finally the magic pulsed through my entire body. The glow radiated from every single piece of me. My eyes snapped open.
10 March 1020.

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