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I slumped down onto the single bed. My body ached and I felt my throat get sore. We were placed into the East Wing Tower. Dream removed his coat and sighed. A chuckle rose from his chest. He started laughing. I lifted my head up to see him practically wheezing.
" the world did she not kill us?"

I smiled.
"Yeahhhh. I have no idea."
He flipped down onto his bed.
"I mean did you see how upset she got? I could practically hear the steam coming out of her ears."
I giggled. I could see from his smile the boy before. The one who played guitar, danced and dreamt of being somewhere else.

"How did you get them to not recognise us anyway?"
He asked, his biceps slightly flexing.

I blinked my gaze away.
"Just because I specialise with the Sands of Time doesn't mean I can't make potions like any other mage."
He frowned.
"But I thought-"
"My 'power' has nothing to do with it. Potions can actually be made by anyone but only mages have access to those recipes."

I gave him the hand mirror I found in our shared bathroom.
"This is what you look like usually."
He nodded slowly. I closed my eyes and uttered the spell under my breath. The mirror's surface seemed to melt and then reassemble. The face that stared back was that of a red haired man.
He mumbled staring at how his face had changed. A jolt of pride shot through me to see his awe.

"How long does it last?"
"A month. I have twenty four bottles in total."
He was far closer than I thought he'd be. My heart rate rose as he watched me out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look at me.
He asked.

He's beautiful.
He's the reason I can't be free.
I cleared my throat.
"Nothing, just looks like your chin will need a stitch or two."
His hand immediately went to the gash. I slapped it away.
"No! Are you stupid? You'll infect it that way. Go wash up and I'll see if I can find anything to do it with."

"You can stitch wounds?"
His head tilted. I got up and nodded.
"What else don't I know about you?"
He asked stretching his arms. I tried to see if what he  meant anything by it.
Did he really want to know?

"Well for one..."
I teased as I placed my black coat over my head and opened the door.
"I expect a cookie for my services."

He shook his sandy blonde curls and smiled. I closed the door behind me and tried to stop my heart from drumming so fast.
"Walk with me."
I heard the Queen's voice come from the hallway at the bottom of the tower.

What's she talking about?
I quietly ran down the circular staircase. Poking my head I could see her navy blue gown flowing behind her. I discreetly made my way along the shadows.

"I will not...too important...piece of vile..."
I stood just next to an armour stand. I gently pressed up against it to hear better. She pinched the bridge of her nose.
"She distracts him! Not to mention that she's lower class. He needs to understand that he will be King. He doesn't have time to flaunt on...vessels."

My jaw clenched.
This obnoxious, self centred-
I accidentally leaned to hard onto the armour stand and the iron helmet fell onto the floor. She whipped around. Carefully looked around the room. I held my breath.

She glided swiftly to the fallen helmet. Again she looked carefully around her. I bit down onto my hand so I wouldn't make a sound, keeping the curtain of the window securely over me.
Please not like this.

The armour clanged as she placed he helmet back.
"Just...arrange their schedules so they have little to preferably no contact."
Her heels became fuller thuds.


To Be Bonded(Dream X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now