Chapter 1

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I was searching through the files for the people I'm looking for. People,you ask? Well they're my family and they're dead and got reincarnated into a dimension filled with shinobi. Hagoromo (the Sage of Six Paths) said I wasn't allowed to interact with them.

But it wouldn't hurt to look for them.

You might be wondering who I am. Well my name is Kalāra Pristine and I used to rule a part of the Underworld. If you'd ask me if I'm human, I would say no. I'm actually a goddess.


Yes. Exactly what I said.

You see, I am what you might call "spirit god", a god or goddess representing a particular concept, place or thing. But what makes me a spirit god is that, I have the ability to possess a body and can roam freely without one in the Spirit realm. Hence the "spirit" in "spirit god".

But even though I have that ability, I don't use it. Because I think that's a crooked business, possessing someone without their permission (I could ask, but I find the idea pretty mortifying).

Coming back to what I'm doing, I'm in the mortal realm of the shinobi dimension and is in a village called "Konoha". I'm searching through the "Restricted Section" (yes what I'm doing is illegal, I know) to look for my family who is living in Konoha, probably as children, judging by the time they got reincarnated.

Technically speaking, my family wasn't the first priority I had in my mind, considering how they sent me off to celibacy school, so that I won't learn about sex or turn into a teen mom like my godly mother.

I was also looking for my husband.

Romantic is not the first word I would want to think of from all of this. More like devastated. I even left my queenhood to do this mission. Selfish, I know. But I made a promise to my husband.

That I'll protect him no matter what.

I've sent pamphlets to every pantheon existing in the heavenly realm to contact me (No we don't use phones, but that would be funny) if they saw any sign of my husband or my family in their domain.

And one god did respond.

Hagoromo Otsutsuki was the god of shinobi, who guarded over the five elemental nations of the shinobi dimension. Technically, he doesn't exist in the real dimension of Hindu, Greek, and Roman gods and the journey cost me a lot of jet lag. Don't ask.

I met Hagoromo-san and asked him about my loved ones. He told me that they were living in Konoha. He also said that they haven't reached adulthood, so talking to them about their previous lives is useless. He never told me who was who, but said that I'll figure them out on my own.


"I'm going to need to take your weapons."


"And your powers for a short period of time, too."

"But why, old man?"

"For safety reasons. I think they need some checking as I think they're quite unstable in the mortal atmosphere. Also, I think it would be better if you experienced life on the mortal plane without your godly powers. "

"Fine. Anything else?"

"Yes. You are not to interfere with the lives of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha."

I was puzzled by that. I asked "Why not?"

Hagoromo explained,"They play a great role in the shinobi world and your interference in their lives would cause havoc on the flow of their actions. As a goddess, I think the only person that you are permitted to meet is Konohamaru Sarutobi."

I enquired, "Let me guess. He plays a minor role in the shinobi world?"


"So..who am I to him?"

Otsutsuki flared, " You ask too many questions for a 35-year old woman. Sometimes, it makes me doubt your maturity."

I protested, "Hey! Leave my maturity out of it, old man!..I'm completely normal."

Hagoromo calmed down and laughed," All right, all right. But be careful, when you go, Sciandrené."

I grumbled, "...I hate that name."

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